Alexander Parkhomov Paper Published in the International Journal of Unconventional Science

Thanks to David Nygren of the LENR-Forum for passing this information along to me.

A paper by Alexander Parkhomov titled “Investigation of the heat generator similar to Rossi reactor” has been published in the International Journal of Unconventional Science, a Russian/English language online journal published by the Moscow-based Association of Unconventional Science This journal is described on its website as follows:

“International Journal of Unconventional Science (IJUS) is a peer-reviewed, electronic journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers, surveys, reviews and letters on topics broadly related to boundary phenomena of quantum physics, information science, energy, biophysics, medicine, psychology and other disciplines. It supports exchange of ideas and popularization of new interdisciplinary and boundary areas of modern science.”

Most of the data contained in the article has been published previously in reports by Alexander Parkhomov, and will be familiar to many readers here. The abstract reads:

This paper describes development and tests of a device that is similar to the well-known high-temperature Rossi reactor. The experiments confirmed that at the temperature about 1100˚C and more this device produces more energy than it consumes. Performed measurements demonstrated no ionized radiation above the background level from the working reactor.

The paper reports on two experiments, the first one carried out on December 12, 2014, and the second on January 18, 2015. Below are tables summarizing the results for each test.


The full article can be accessed in pdf format here:

I somehow doubt that an article published in this journal is going to raise the profile of the experiment in the eyes of the mainstream scientific community, but it’s nice to see Parkhomov’s work in a journal article format, and this will be a very useful reference for researchers and experimenters.

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