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Lundin and Lidgren Predict COP of over 1000 Based on their LENR Theory (Rossi: Paper ‘Extremely Important’)

The paper published by Rickard Lundin and Hand Lidgren may have revealed important information about the potential of the LENR effect they have been investigating.

There is a section in their newly published paper that is both exciting and provocative (thanks to LENR G for pointing it out), as they look at the energy output potential for the model they propose. They refer to figure 9 in their paper which displays a simulation of a H2 + Ni58 reactor — which they say should give a much higher output compared to one using Li7, because it has a “lower spallation threshold.”

They write:

“Overall, the H2 + Ni58 reactor gives a higher performance. In fact, by combining wave input at frequencies closer to resonance with decreasing external power, (low-power mode) a new equilibrium may theoretically establish where the gain/COP may exceed 1000” (p. 8).

If this is actually true, the bar has been raised in terms of performance of LENR reactions. For many years people have been saying that a COP of even 10 with a LENR system providing megawatts of output, would be sufficient to revolutionize energy production, because it would mean LENR capable of efficiencies that would be much more competitive than those of fossil fuels.

If it is possible to reach COPs of over 1000, then we are on a different plane altogether, and really the sky would be the limit. Lundin and Lidgren see perfecting the use of resonant frequencies as being the key to refining LENR, as opposed to “creating turbulence through square waves,” which Lundin told Mats Lewan was Rossi’s technique for shaking loose the neutron.

It’s fascinating to see a new paper with a theory that seems to open up a whole new way of generating LENR reactions — and it will be interesting to see if there are experimental results that verify the claims Lundin and Lidgren are making. Andrea Rossi seems to be well ahead of the pack in terms of bringing a LENR product to market, but interest is certainly mounting elsewhere, and new theoretical breakthroughs could pave the way for serious competition for the E-Cat.


This just posted on the JONP by Andrea Rossi:

Andrea Rossi
October 15th, 2015 at 10:32 AM
Dr Peter Forsberg, Frank Acland, Ing. Michelangelo De Meo, Toussaint:
I have finished now to study the paper of Hans Lidgren and Richard Lundin (Swedish Institute of Space Physics): “Nuclear Spallation and Neutron Capture Induced by Ponderomotive Wave Forcing”, published by Institutet for Rymdfysik, Kiruna, Sweden, October 2015.
It is an extremely important publication that both Prof. Norman Cook and I – we discussed this morning also about it-are taking in reference to the theoretical paper we are working upon.
Warm Regards,

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