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For Rossi, It's the E-Cat X All the Way Now (Update: Developing Low Energy Models, On/Off Switch)

Now that the 1 MW plant test is over, it seems that Andrea Ross now has the freedom to concentrate on what he is really excited about: the E-Cat X. This is the new version of the E-Cat that he reports runs at very high temperatures and is able to produce electricity directly. It was clear that while the 1 MW plant was running that Rossi was paying a great deal of attention to the E-Cat X. However he still had to keep the plant running, so he couldn’t devote his full attention to the new reactors.

UPDATE (February 22, 2016)

Here’s a post on the Journal of Nuclear Physics today with some more information on E-Cat X development:

February 21, 2016 at 10:23 PM
Dr Joseph Fine:
It is impossible for me now to give the characteristics of the E-Cat X, because we still are in a preliminar R&D phase.
This having been said, I can add that we will make low energy modules, to be able to assemble systems able to cover all the specter of the possible utilizations; the temperature is not an issue, since the energy is used by means of heat exchangers, so that the external T can be modulate .
We also are resolving the issue of the switch on/off in short time.
Yes, the new laboratory is well dimensioned.
Warm Regards,


Now things have changed. Here are some of his most recent comments regarding the E-Cat X.

About a new team:

The people working on the E-Cat X is different from the people that worked on the 1 MW E-Cat. I made a new Team specific for this, because the approach is different, even if treasures the experience made with the former E-Cats. I needed an epochè, a revolution of points of view. The Great Team that worked on the 1 MW E-Cat will continue the work on this kind of technology. F9 for both technologies

On his focus:

Yes, now I am working on the E-Cat X: the best technology for me is always the next, I can’t help to rest.

On making a product and the timing:

Now I am working in the laboratory where the E-Cat X is being born. Soon we’ll have an industrial plant in operation based on this technology.

I want an industrial E-Cat X in operation by the end of the year

Now, at 04.51 a.m. of Feb 18 2016, I am working on the E-Cat X: I want to present this product in operation in an industy within 2016. It is extremely promising.

On testing:

Italo R.:
Thank you. Waiting for the Report with the results, my focus is totally on the E-Cat X; next week will be a very important week for the E-Cat X, because we will make a very important test in a new factory.
Warm Regards,

It sounds then, like a great deal of energy will now be put into the E-Cat X. And that is not very surprising if it can do what he says it can. Direct production of electricity from the E-Cat would bypass the whole issue of turning heat in to electricity by intermediate means such as steam turbines, Stirling engines, thermoelectric devices and the like, which would add extra expense and engineering complexity.

I suppose one of the challenges they will be looking at will be how to handle the high temperatures that the E-Cat X needs to operate. Rossi has said that it runs at around 1400 C, and that they have had to develop new materials to withstand such temperatures. But there are many instances where cogeneration of heat and electricity are desirable, and Rossi’s New Year’s “dream” spoke of providing both heat and electricity for a residential area.

Presenting this technology to industry this year sounds like a major challenge. We’ll see if he can achieve it.

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