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E-Cat QuarkX Q&A Compilation (Updated: Safety Measures Will Reduce COP)

Since the short report of the internal R&D testing of the E-Cat QuarkX that was published on yesterday there have been a barrage of questions submitted to Andrea Rossi on the Journal of Nuclear Physics about this new E-Cat reactor and I thought it might be useful to try and compile them for an easy reference. I have been selective in the Q&As, trying to pick the relevant ones on technical (not business) points that can give as clear a picture as possible of what Rossi is telling us about the QuarkX. Rossi’s responses are in bold. I may add to the list as time goes on.

UPDATE (Jun 17, 2016)

Andrea Rossi has answered a question on the JONP today that gives more information about the developments that still need to be done with the QuarkX before it can be considered a safe technology, and note that he states the COP will need to be reduced:

Did I read correctly that the Quark X produced 0.1 KWh/h vs 0.0005 KWh/h electrical energy consumed?

Before I answer a disclaimer must be repeated: the tests on the QuarkX E-Cat are still on course and all the results need repetitions and confirmations. The results obtained so far are very promising, but safety problems must be resolved and such safety problems will reduce the COP, independently from other factors. Nevertheless, I am very glad of the work done so far and the numbers you cited are the number we got, but, again, these numbers cannot be considered ¨five sigma¨.
It is also important the strong development we got for what concerns the theoretical bases of the effect, in full rtespect of the Standard Model. I strongly believe I have understood it. Soon will work on it with Prof. Norman Cook.
Nevertheless, again, much work has to be done before getting the five sigma and a solid theoretical interpretation.
Warm Regards,

Does the QuarkX still use hydrogen? Yes

How long have these QuarkX modules operated providing these results consistently? about 100 hours of effective average

You say the photo was taken through a hole in a pipe — are the QuarkXs enclosed in a pipe during normal operation to provide eye protection? to provide protection not just to the eyes

You told us the QuarkX was as big as a pencil, now it turns out to be mm 30 x 1 instead of the expected mm 300 x 10. Why? We decided to make this test with the smaller possible unit, to define a fundamental element.

Are you able to feed the produced electric energy back to the heating and control system of the reactor? No, it is not possible . . . The reasons why we cannot be independent from an external source are mainly connected with safety issues. I cannot give further information.

What was the longest period of self sustain in which the output remained steady or increased with zero input power? zero seconds. Always fed half Wh/h

What is the COP when only accounting for the input power and the 10% electricity being produced?  equivalence principle: the COP is always the same, does not depend on the eventual efficiency

Does the Quark X tested utilize lithium in the charge? yes

Does the Quark X tested utilize nickel in the charge? yes

You have mentioned that the Quark X uses titanium: is this a component in the charge? can’t answer in positive or negative

Did you measure any alpha particles being emitted from the reactor? If so, were their energies consistent with what would result from the proton + lithium reaction? no

The blue light from E-CatQX is the Čerenkov effect? We have understood what the blue halo is and I think we have resolved the theoretical issue. To be checked, obviously, with further study, probably in collaboration with Norman Cook.

QuarkX’s can be switched on and off in seconds? it will

QuarkX’s are very suitable for jets? premature to say

The tested 1x30mm Quarks will work for months on one charge? yes

QuarkX’s cannot be recharged. wrong

QuarkX’s outperform E-cats in many aspects? maybe

QuarkX’s differ so much from E-cats that they can hardly be compared and require new patents?  the work on patents is dynamic, not static

Do you know what the light output was in Lumens? The ratio between Lumens and Watts is not a constant, it is an integral and the value of the derivatives depend not linearly on the amount of Watts. For example: 40 W correspond to about 450 L, 100 W correspond to 1600 L.

How do you collect the electricity from the reactor? The electricity is collected with any classic and well known technology,not necessarily one in particular.

Is the produced electicity AC or DC? We can have either AC or DC.






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