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“Power Determination and Hydrino Product Characterization of Ultra-low Field Ignition of Hydrated Silver Shots” (New Brilliant Light Power Paper)

Thanks to Sam for sharing a link to a paper from Brilliant Light Power which describes experiments performed by the company.

Title: “Power Determination and Hydrino Product Characterization of Ultra-low Field Ignition of Hydrated Silver Shots”

Authors: R. Mills, Y Lu, R Frazer

Here is a selection from the Abstract.

Hydrated silver shots comprising a source of H and HOH catalyst were ignited by passing a low voltage, high current through the shot to produce explosive plasma that emitted brilliant light predominantly in the short-wavelength 10 to 300 nm region. Based on Stark broadening, the initially optically thick essentially 100% ionized plasma expanded at sound speed and thinned to emit EUV and UV light. The peak power of 20 MW was measured using absolute spectroscopy over the 22.8-647 nm region wherein the optical emission energy was 250 times the applied energy. Synchronized high-speed video and spectroscopic recording of the plasma emission and the measurement of the applied ignition power over time showed that plasma persisted even after the ignition power decayed to zero.

From the conclusion:

Hydrated silver shots comprising only 65 moles H2O produced a shockwave that was equivalent to about 10 times more moles of gunpowder (0.6 millimoles). Water and silver have no known chemistry and the ignition voltage did not exceed 20 V; yet the ignition of the hydrated shots produced an extremely powerful detonation wave further validating the hydrino reaction as a new energetic power source. Since there are no gaseous products, a likely mechanism is coupling of the massive amounts to EUV radiation to air to cause superheating akin to the mechanism of nucleardetonation where X-rays serve the role of the EUV radiation of comparable peak power density (e.g. 20 WM/7.6 X 10-6 liter = 2.6 X 1012 W/liter in the presented hydrino reaction case).Similarly, the hydrino reaction may be the source of the shockwave of lightning discharges in atmospheric water vapor.

The full paper can be read here:

It’s a very long and detailed paper, which includes numerous images including diagrams of the experimental equipment.

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