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This is Not ‘Cold Fusion’ — US NAVSEA Award-Winning Essay on LENR by Michael Ravnitzky Published

Thanks to a reader for sending me a link to the article written by Michael Ravnitzky who works at at the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) in Washington, DC, and who won second prize in NAVSEA’s Emerging Technology Essay Contest.

The title of his essay was “Low Energy Nuclear Reactions: A Potential New Source of Energy to Facilitate Emergent/Disruptive Technologies”, and it has now been published under the title “This Is Not ‘Cold Fusion'” in the September 2018 issue of the NAVSEA’s Proceedings magazine here.

The full text of the article can be read at this link:

A few excerpts:

“Low energy nuclear reactions (LENRs) offer the first opportunity since the advent of fission reactors to change fundamentally the way the Navy powers its ships, systems, and weapons.”

“Laboratory experiments indicate that, despite the “low-energy” name, this science has the potential to
lead to extremely energy-dense, thin, flat devices. In theory, LENRs yields could approach 4
megawatts of thermal power per square meter, ample for almost any purpose. (A well-sited, above
average solar panel might produce 0.1 to 0.2 kilowatts per square meter.) LENR systems may have
power densities six orders of magnitude (millions of times) greater than chemical-based energy
generation or storage systems, and thus could support a variety of military and commercial

“Understanding the nature and potential of LENR will require work with specialized nanostructure
surfaces tailored to optimize surface nanotechnology such that it promotes surface LENR activity.
Researchers need better access to specialized, often costly, high-sensitivity spectroscopic tools to
move the science forward faster. Such tools would facilitate detection of elemental transmutation and
isotopic shifts and would thus help identify key parameters that produce such effects.”

“The fundamental secret of the atomic bomb and other disruptive technologies was simply that they
were possible. If we wait until LENR starts to appear in international portfolios, or in the hands of
adversaries, it could be too late.”

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