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The First Room-temperature Superconductor has Been Found

Thanks to an ECW reader for sending the following:

The first room-temperature superconductor has finally been found. A compound of carbon, hydrogen and sulfur conducts electricity without resistance up to 15° C, but there’s a catch – these results are only achieved under high pressure.

Article from Nature News

“First room-temperature superconductor excites — and baffles — scientists”

“Scientists have created a mystery material that seems to conduct electricity without any resistance at temperatures of up to about 15 °C. That’s a new record for superconductivity, a phenomenon usually associated with very cold temperatures. The material itself is poorly understood, but it shows the potential of a class of superconductors discovered in 2015.”

An article on this topic has been posted by the New Scientist titled: “First room-temperature superconductor could spark energy revolution”

The author states that if we can create a material that can superconduct at lower pressures,

“This material could be used in applications ranging from quantum computing to building better MRI machines to drastically reducing energy waste from electricity transmission. “If we could make superconducting wires that we didn’t have to cool, we could in principle replace the whole power grid,” says Zurek. “That would be a real revolution.”

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