Site icon FAQ: Technology is “Based on an Innovative Way to Control the Physics of the Electron”

Thanks to various readers here for pointing out that the website now has a section with FAQs about the Ecat SKLed:

A lot of the information provided in answer to the questions has already been posted by Andrea Rossi on the Journal of Nuclear Physics, but there are a couple of questions where I found the answer interesting:

When will the lamp be presented to the public?

The Ecat SKLed will be presented at an online event on November 25, 2021, where it will be used to light up a large indoor space belonging to a company that will be able to confirm the performance of the lamp. At the time of the online event, it will be certified for safety and performance by a globally recognized certification body.

This is the first time I have heard about how the SKLed will be shown. Rossi has said that the presentation will be held at a facility of one of his customers, so it sounds from this that the customer will have installed SKLeds beforehand and will be using them for lighting purposes.

How does the Ecat technology inside the lamp work?

The Ecat technology stands on 20 years of R&D and is based on an innovative way to control the physics of the electron. A theoretical hypothesis, explaining the operation of the Ecat SKLed, is presented by inventor Andrea Rossi in his paper E-Cat SK and long-range particle interactions, which has been read 63,000+ times and can be downloaded here.

Assuming the Ecat SKLed works according to the specifications described, this is the question that everyone will be asking. They now have a short answer: Ecat technology is “based on an innovative way to control the physics of the electron”.

The website used to provide a lot of information explaining that the E-Cat was a form of LENR technology. All that content is gone now and a new explanation is given, along with a link to Rossi’s latest theoretical paper. It will be interesting to see if this turns out to be a satisfactory explanation of a new energy technology for most people.

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