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Why I Believe in The E-Cat

There have been all kinds of opinions set forward on the Internet regarding Andrea Rossi’e E-Cat. I think I understand people’s wariness and skepticism. There are many good reasons not to trust people just because they make an extraordinary claim, and history teaches us that many of the most exciting and tantalizing pronouncements about miraculous breakthroughs have turned out to be mistaken, or in some cases empty words intended to deceive and defraud.

So it is no wonder that there is for some skepticism about Rossi and his claims. I was quite skeptical too when I first heard about Rossi and the E-Cat, but over time I have climbed off the fence and stepped firmly on to the believer’s side, and here are some of the reasons why.

1. Sergio Focardi. Focardi was an eminent professor of physics at Bologna University worked closely with Andrea Rossi on the development of the E-Cat. Here are his credentials from Wikipedia:

He led the Department of Bologna of the (Italian) National Institute for Nuclear Physics and the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences at the University of Bologna. He was a member of the President’s Board of the Italian Physical Society.From 1992 he had been working on cold fusion with nickel-hydrogen reactors.

His statements about what he learned and witnessed during his work with Rossi are very forthright and unequivocal. He has stated that he believes that we are a the dawn of a new age of energy production based on Rossi’s invention. Here’s a video of Focardi speaking about the E-Cat.

2. Guiseppe Levi. This University of Bolgona physics professor has tested the E-Cat on numerous occasions and has issued statements about the validity of the E-Cat. Levi was the lead researcher of the team of European academics that performed third party testing in late 2012-early 2013 (see below).

3. Sven Kullander and Hanno Essen. These respected Swedish scientists were able to participate in testing of the E-Cat and both have gone on record stating they could find no other explanation for the energy production they witnessed other than a new kind of nuclear reaction.

I am sure that all of these established academics are not part of any grand conspiracy to trick the world into thinking that Rossi has come up with a new form of energy when they know he hasn’t — and based on the closeness of their work with Rossi (especially Focardi, who worked with Rossi over a long period of time) I don’t see any way that Rossi could have hoodwinked these professors with some kind of rigged machine.

4. The October 6th, 2011 test in which the E-Cat self sustained for almost 5 hours and heated water a constant temperature without any energy input. Again, I don’t believe that Rossi would have been able to have faked this demonstration.

5. Andrea Rossi himself. I find his words and actions convincing. The way he is going about his business seems rational given the circumstances and, most interesting, there doesn’t seem to be anything going on at the moment that resembles a scam. There has been no appeal for the public to send him money — and no one has come forward and said that Rossi has tried to defraud them. Some people might think that he is simply insane and delusional, but I go back to the involvement of the professors — if Rossi was insane, it would not have taken long for these men to realize it, and they certainly wouldn’t have stepped forward publicly to identify themselves professionally with such a person.

6. National Instruments. This major manufacturer of laboratory testing hardware and software has verified that Andrea Rossi’s account of their relationship is an accurate one. Rossi said they had worked together and that NI had been very helpful in providing advice, even though Leonardo Corp ultimately decided to work with another company.

7. Professor Roland Pettersson. This retired associate professor of chemistry at Uppsala University in Sweden has commented positively on two E-Cat demonstrations he has witnessed. He was present at the October 6th demo in Bologna, and more recently attended a private demonstration on February 20th in Bologna. NyTeknik reports that Pettersson said he saw the recently upgraded 1 MW plant and a prototype of the domestic E-Cat.

8. The May 16th 2013 third party testing report. (See here for a summary). This was a convincing report from qualified and reputable academics who reported that after two tests each of which lasted about 100 hours the E-Cat reactor the were testing showed that the energy source could not possibly be of chemical origin. They concluded that “Even by the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements, the result is still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources.”

9. The partnership with Industrial Heat / Cherokee Investment Partners. In a January 24, 2014 press release, Industrial Heat LLC, of Raleigh, North Carolina, announced they had acquired the rights to Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat. They said they had made this acquisition following the third party testing mentioned above, and conducting their own tests on the E-Cat. Industrial Heat LLC is a company formed largely by personnel from Cherokee Investment Partners, a private equity firm which has specialized over many years in cleaning up polluted ‘brownfield sites’, and also in investing in environmentally friendly technology. The Cherokee / Industrial Heat connection is an indication that serious professionals have done due diligence into Andrea Rossi’s work and have been convinced that the E-Cat is a technology worth investing in.

10. The Lugano E-Cat Report The same team of testers who published the 2013 report (see point 8 above) carried out new testing in Lugano, Switzerland, of an E-Cat device supplied by Andrea Rossi and Industrial Heat. They ran the E-Cat for 32 days, nonstop, and measured an energy balance between input and output heat which yielded a COP factor of about 3.2 (when the reactor was heated to 1260ºC), and COP of 3.6 (1400ºC). The total net energy obtained during the 32 days run was about 1.5MWh.

In addition to the heat measurements, the testers found the isotopic makeup of the fuel changed during the 32-day run. They analyzed a sample fuel used in the reactor, before and after testing using a variety of standard measurement methods and quantities of Li, Al, Fe and H in addition to Ni were found in the fuel. The isotope composition in lithium and nickel matched a natural composition before the test began, but after the run was found to have been changed substantially. To read the full text of the Lugano report, go here; for a summary, go here.

11. The Work of Alexander Parkhomov. Alexander Parkhomov is a Russian physicist who analyzed the Lugano E-Cat Report (see above) and tried to create a reactor along the same principles as the one used in the report. In December 2014 he published a report describing a 90-minute experiment in which his reactor was measured to produce more energy than was input, with a COP of 2.58 when run at 1290ºC. Subsequent experiments have shown similar results. See here for more on Parkhomov’s experiments.

12. Tom Darden

In April 2015, Tom Darden, CEO of Cherokee Investment Partners, and chairman of Industrial Heat spoke at the ICCF-19 conference in Padua, Italy where he explained that he had formed Industrial Heat to invest in LENR research with the goal of creating non-polluting energy. He said in Industrial Heat’s research they had seen some success and that the field of LENR had reached a tipping point. In an interview with Infinite Energy magazine following the speech he explained that Industrial Heat had seen testing on the E-Cat before investing in Rossi’s E-Cat which was persuasive. He said that they had seen ‘some really good stuff’, and was impressed with Andrea Rossi as a researcher.

13. Fulvio Fabiani

Fulvio Fabiani is an Italian engineer who worked with Andrea Rossi starting 2012 until around 2017. His  assignment was to help with R&D efforts on the E-Cat under the direction of Rossi. His speciality is in electronic systems, and he has the assignment of managing the control systems that are used to control the E-Cat. Fulvio Fabiani has publicly confirmed that he is 100 per cent convinced of the reality of the E-Cat. He has also conducted an in-depth interview with author and journalist Mats Lewan in which he reveals much about his involvement in the E-Cat project. He’s one of the few first-hand witnesses working on the ‘inside’ with Andrea Rossi, and therefore his validation is another important evidence in favor of the E-Cats validity and reality.

Personal Demonstration With Andrea Rossi

In June of 2020 I was able to witness a demonstration of an early version of the E-Cat SKL by Andrea Rossi via Skype. The demonstration was covered by an NDA, so I had not mentioned it to anyone at the time it happened, but I have asked Dr. Rossi if he would now permit me to share with readers what I saw, and he said it was fine to do so, so long as I did not share any photos. I did not take any photos or videos of the demonstration, so that was no problem for me to agree to.

Dr. Rossi told me that he will not comment in any way on these notes because he will not give away any information about the E-Cat SKL before its presentation. So he will not answer any question related to these notes either here, or on his Journal of Nuclear Physics site.

Please note that the following description is based on my memory and notes that I took during the demonstration. It should not by any means be considered to be a scientific paper, it is simply an account of what I was shown.

The Skype call did not take very long, lasting approximately 15 minutes.

Dr. Rossi explained to me that the unit he was showing me was not a closed loop system; the electrical input was coming from the mains.

To measure the energy going into the system there was a Wattmeter (Perel E305EM5G) plugged into a 220 V 50 Hz. wall outlet.

A 12 V (XD-360-12) power supply was used, which was connected to the E-Cat control system measuring 10 x 10 x 1 cm. (AR provided measurements) This was connected to what he explained were two E-Cat SKLs of identical size, both of which were placed inside a passive heat sink which measured 20 x 20 x 20 cm (AR provided measurements). The heat sink looked like a large version of those heat sinks you find inside a computer for cooling computer chips.

During the time the E-Cat was turned on, there was a bright light coming from inside the heat sink, visible through an opening in the top.

To calculate the current produced by the E-Cat SKL there was an Ammeter (PEAKTECH 3430) with one probe connected with one leg of the load and one probe connected to one pole of the E-Cat,
while the E-Cat had the other pole connected to the other leg of the load.

The load was made with a 1kOhm/1000W resistor (Mouser- Product Number TE1000B1K0J) with one terminal connected to the Ammeter and one terminal connected to the other pole of the Ecat

Dr. Rossi turned on the E-Cat and took the measurements during the demonstration, showing me the meter readings via the camera on his phone.

The reading from the Watt meter plugged in to the wall was 115 Watts.

The power supply was rated at 12 Volts supplied to the control system of the E-Cat SKL.

The Ammeter reading was 0.92 Amps.

The resistance of the load was 1000 Ohms.

To calculate the electrical power we used Ohm’s law equation:

I^2 x R = 0.92^2 x 1000 = 846.4 Watts

Dr. Rossi stated that the E-Cats were also producing heat in addition to the electricity that was measured, but heat was not measured in this demonstration. He told me the estimated combined heat output from the E-Cats was approximately 1 kW in addition to the electricity generated.

That’s the report of essentially all that I witnessed. Now to my personal impressions.

I have to say that while it all seemed quite ordinary – normal instruments taking normal measurements of electricity –  yet at the same time I realized that I was seeing something that was quite extraordinary. Electricity was somehow being multiplied in an unknown way.

The implications to me are staggering. The demonstration I witnessed did not show a system in a closed loop, but it is obvious that there was enough electricity being produced by the E-Cat to close the loop, in other words provide enough surplus electricity to feed some of it back into the E-Cat’s control system to generate electricity. No coal mining, oil pumping, gas drilling, radioactive fuel, wind turbines, solar panels involved. The E-Cat fuel is measured in grams, not gallons or barrels, and reportedly can power an E-Cat for months if not years on end, without requiring a recharge. I feel like the E-Cat presents a tremendous opportunity for the human race to make progress in many areas of life, and I look forward to seeing how this ongoing story unfolds.


I believe that Andrea Rossi has made a very important discovery that will eventually lead to far more advanced and cost effective energy production than we now know. Rossi seems to realize this too, and is doing all in his power to bring his invention to light, including keeping the cost as low as possible so everyone will be able to afford it. As he says, “This will be a revolution, and, as I said already, a revolution must be popular to survive.”

Is there a chance that I am wrong in my conclusions? Of course — I’m certainly not infallible. But I have tried to be as logical and reasonable about this case as I can be, and from every way I look at things, I believe that Andrea Rossi has discovered a new and superior way of producing energy and that an LENR revolution is not too far away.

Frank Acland

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