Most people following the E-Cat story are aware that we’re in a lull in the action as we wait for the long anticipated report, and the unveiling of the first commercial plant. I hope this period won’t go on for too long, but it will take as long as it takes, and I’m certainly not going anywhere during this time of waiting. Rossi says that during this time his attention is focused almost exclusively on the 1 MW plant, but there have been some questions on the Journal of Nuclear Physics about an interesting phenomenon that Rossi has reported about — that the E-Cat give off an electomagnetic force.
Here are some questions and answers posted today by Hank Mills on this topic.
Could you please tell us a little more about the electromagnetic fields detected from your device? They have nothing to do with the upcoming report which is only measuring heat production, so I hope you can share just a bit of info. For example:
1 – What form of EM fields are you measuring? Magnetic? Electrostatic? – electrostatic2 – Where are they detected? Inside the reactor? Outside? – outside
3 – What is the strength of the field in Tesla, if it is a magnetic field? – see 1
4 – Is it pulsing or constant? – pulsing
My dream would be that you could design a low temp E-Cat that would produce pulsing magnetic fields outside of the reactor. If this was the case, you could wrap a coil of copper wire around it and convert the magnetism to electricity. I can imagine such a solid state E-Cat being used to power an RF cavity thruster so we could colonize the solar system.
While Rossi and Industrial Heat are working initially on exploiting the heat from the E-Cat reaction, it’s possible that future developments around this interesting electrostatic phenomenon could be just as significant.
UPDATE: Another question and response on this topic just posted on the JONP:
Q: Is there any chance/do you believe that the third party testers have observed and analyzed this electrostatic emission phenomenon in addition to performing heat measurements, and that they will report about it in their upcoming paper? Also, does this happen on every E-Cat crafted so far or just specific versions (for example the Hot-Cat)?
AR: No, this phenomenon is for us a serendipity, it has not even mentioned to the Third Independent Party, because, as I said, a lot of further R&D is necessary before considering it a real production.
We suspect to have observed it during our internal tests with the Hot Cat.
When Rossi says ‘we suspect to have observed it’, it makes it sound like that it must have been a very faint effect.