UPDATE: (Feb 5, 2017) The MFMP test is now streaming live and below are the links they have provided to follow the testing:
MFMP Live Links
Find links to our most recent streams here
GS5.4 – Experiment overviewLIVE Hydrogen treatment / leak testing 10 bar
Bakeout3 – Low temperature bake-out / de-gas P3
Bakeout2 – Low temperature bake-out / de-gas
Bakeout – Low temperature bake-out / de-gas
GS 5.4 Closeup Layout explanationSpherical image
NaI Calibration – Calibration of Sodium Iodide detector
Calibration data
Calibration curves courtesy of crowd analyst ‘Goodrice’
Stream 02 – Calibration of core temperature to outer temperature P2
Stream 01 – Calibration of core temperature to outer temperature
The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project has been working recently to get ready for some new tests that they plan to begin sometime this week. The tests are called Glowstick 5.4 and 5.5 and the MFMP has published this document:
Here are the aims of each test as described in the document:
Glowstick 5.4
To to test Piantelli (P) theory and possibly Godes (G) theory by way of 18Oxygen isotopic tracer. (P) Claimed 0-6.7MeV proton over 4Mev this would (p,n) 18O producing 18F, this decays back to 18O, half-life is 109.771 minutes producing a 633.023keV positron that annihilates an e- leading to the production of two 511keV photons we can see outside the cell with scintillators and gamma detectors. (G) Claimed ultra slow neutrons are formed, these may convert 18O to 19O which decays with β- at 4822.26keV with a half-life of 26.464s. Absence of thermal neutrons detectable in the bubble detectors would lend support to Sarg (S) theory since there is no 7Li present.
Glowstick 5.5
To test Sarg (S) theory and Holmlid (H) theory by way of addition of Nano Lithium and LiAlD4 and HTED-04 Dehydrogenation Catalyst. (S) Claimed that according to his structural theory of elements, 7Li will arrange itself on prepared Nickel with the 4He end attached to the Nickel and the 3H (tritium) end free – Incident Rydberg state hydrogen would knock off the extra neutron from the 3H leaving 6Li – this is perhaps one explination for the presence of thermal neutrons before the melting of LiH in GS 5.3 and could explain the isotopic shift of 7Li to 6Li in Lugano. The neutron could participate in transmutations of Nickel to higher nucleon numbers. In this experiment, these neutrons, if present may be more likely produce 19O from the 18O and we would be able to observe the signature of the β- at 4822.26keV. (H) Claimed that there is production of Mesons/Muons when Ultra Dense deuterium ( D(0) ) is exposed to high energy photons the muons can additionally lead to Deuterium fusion. We hope to have some muon detection in place.
Below is a video giving a short introduction to some of the work that has been done in preparation for the testing. It looks like great efforts have been made to ensure that people following the tests will have a have a clear picture of the key data. Thanks to all involved in this project for your efforts to share your work with us! I look forward to the tests.