E-Cat Demo to be Held Between Novemember 20-30

We’re getting a bit closer to finding out the timing of the E-Cat QX presentation. Here are some comments on the JONP from today:

Andrea Rossi
October 29, 2017 at 1:26 PM
Svein Henrik:
Thank you for your insight.
Soon the date and location of the presentation will be announced.It will be made in the third decade of November.
Warm Regards,

Frank Acland
October 29, 2017 at 3:13 PM
Dear Andrea,

Does third “decade” in November mean third week?

Andrea Rossi
October 29, 2017 at 7:12 PM
Frank Acland:
“Decade” is 10 days: in this case means between the 20 and the 30 of November.
Warm Regards,

I must say I haven’t heard the term “decade” in this way before in the English language! But, at least we can now have a rough idea of when to expect the event. I am looking forward to covering it all here on ECW.