Alexander Parkhomov Reports on Just-completed 225 Day Test

I have received the following report from Dr. Alexander Parkhomov.

I propose to acquaint visitors of with this information:

On May 23, 2018, the nickel-hydrogen reactor developed by A.Parkhomov, launched on October 10, 2017, was switched off at the experimental design laboratory “KIT”. Hydrogen-saturated nickel weighing 1.2 g was used as fuel. The completion of the work is associated with a gradual reduction of excess heat release as a result of exhaustion of the energy resource of fuel. The reactor operated continuously for 225 days, generating 4200 MJ of thermal energy in excess of the consumed electricity (2.2 MeV per nickel atom). The maximum power of heat release is 1400 W at 380 W consumption (COP = 3,7), average 575 W at 355 W consumption (COP = 1,6).

Best wishes,

I asked Alexander if we could expect a published paper in the future about this experiment. He responded:

“Now we are going to make analyzes of fuel and surrounding structural materials. I intend to report on the results to the 25th Russian conference on cold transmutation of nuclei in Sochi on October 1-8, 2018.”