Dummy Ecat SKLed (Calle H)

Thanks to ECW reader Calle H for posting this on the Always Open thread, I thought it was something that would be useful in its own thread.


This may interest some readers.

I have fabricated a 3-D dummy, in scale 1:1, of the E-Cat SKLed. Installed in the dummy is a halogen spotlight to provide lighting for studying application ideas. The dummy was made in a 3-D printer. Here are some SKLed engineering speculations:

– The reactor, AI and control electronics, LED and lens all fits within the cylinder body (diam. 10 cm, length 15 cm) which is about the size if a standard 1 litre milk packaging.

– The lens diameter and beam width result in that the focal point, i.e. the position of the LED kernel, is at 3.2 cm from the lens front edge corresponding to about 1/4 of the cylinder length which is then the volume occupied by the LED, lens and possibly a reflector, The remaining 3/4 volume is for the reactor and control electronics.

– Some time ago it was mentioned that the reactor was the size of a Rubik’s cube. Yes, the Rubik’s cube will fit in the cylinder body as indicated on the photo. For the Leonardo engineers it could have been the Rubik’s cube size that set the diameter of the cylinder.

– The Rubik’s cube side is 5.5 cm corresponding to about 1/3 of the cylinder length. What remains of the volume, about 4/10, would be for the AI and control electronics. This is fully reasonable, I think.

– The SKLed can hardly include expensive and exotic metals and materials when the unit can be fabricated and sold for $25.

– It is actually amazing what you get for $25.