The following post was submitted by Axil Axil
The case against the plasmoid theory of the EVO reaction.
A Faraday cage cannot shield the magnetic field of a permanent magnet. A Faraday cage is made of a conductor that responds to electric fields, but it is not affected by strong magnetostatic fields.
A Faraday cage can protect against electromagnetic fields by shorting out the electric part, but it cannot block stable or slowly varying magnetic fields. For example, a compass will still work inside a Faraday cage.
This magnetic behavior points to the nature and origin of the magnetic field produced by the EVO. The lack of effectiveness of faraday shielding in the LENR reaction points to the existence of a lattice like spin footprint inside the EVO where the magnetically active spin particles take on a fixed and unmoving position inside the EVO. The witness hexagonal shaped marks produced by the EVO show that the lattice taken on by the spin particles take the shape of a hexagon shaped fixed lattice.
There is no movement of these spin particles as required by the plasmoid theory of the EVO reaction. If the magnetic field were being produced by a plasmoid effect that type of magnetic field would be shielded by a faraday cage.