Andrea Rossi is reporting that tests of the hot cat are ongoing, and that so far he is very pleased with the results. September 21 was apparently an important day in this testing regimen, as Ross described on the Journal of Nuclear Physics:
The test of today has been a particular session, in the context of the 4 month work of validation of the Hot Cat, because today we made important modifications : the reactor is now very different from the prototype we talked about in Zurich.
It has no more the internal cylinder, has different dimensions, has many modifications: I hoped to get improvements in the minimum COP. We also made an electric measurement with new experts, to review the work made before, with new instruments. In the final report we will describe in particular the important work of today, that for now is under NDA.
I am very satisfied. First, because the measurements have confirmed that the work made up to now has given resulkts very close to the ones obtained after a peer reviewing, second because my modifications have improved the Hot Cat. The test began this morning at 7 a.m., is finished few minutes ago at 22,30 .
Said this I have the duty to repeat that the tests are going on, will continue, we are not ready to give final results. We are still in R&D, we still have not a Hot Cat ready for the market. All the data we got are stioll subject to variations.
One of the goals of this new design, then, was to increase the minimum COP. The paper presented in Zurich showed a COP of somewhere around 2.5 (calculated very conservatively), and from this report it appears that may have been exceeded. There is no mention of whether there was self-sustain involved in this test — that was not involved in the report presented at Zurich.
Rossi states here that the measurements from the new tests confirm those of old tests — probably mentioned to try and dispel doubts raised by the press release of Hydro Fusion, which stated tests on the Hot Cat performed by their agent did not demonstrate that any excess heat was generated.
Rossi also mentions that these tests are “both validation and development tests: the two tasks intertwine between themselves, because during the tests we learn, react, modify.” We don’t know who else is involved in this testing process, but it sounds like at some point a report of this process will be published.