Prometeon SRL, Licensee of Leonardo Corp’s E-Cat products for Italy has published the following press release. (Google translated)
A very important agreement concerning the Leonardo Corporation, producer of ‘E-Cat, was signed in October in the wake of the tests on’ Hot Cat made since June in Italy and the United States. A 1 MW thermal which uses the ‘Hot Cat should be in place during 2013 in a plant for the production and distribution of energy or located in the U.S. or in a country in which the counterparty is a signatory to the activities, and will be one of the first non-military applications of this revolutionary technology.
“The Leonardo Corporation today will never be the same,” said Rossi, CEO of Leonardo Corp, after the signing of the contract, likely starting point of a much larger business. “At the moment we can not say more,” he added, “and if possible in the coming months we will work even harder to complete the engineering of ‘H ot Cat However, to avoid unnecessary hindrances, after only a few months after’ installation of the system may be provided with access to highly selected visitors. ”
As Rossi later revealed publicly on his blog, the agreement in question makes the big new American partner has access to intellectual property (including the one on the catalyst secret), contributes to the process patent and, in fact, makes the Leonardo no more than a small corvette but a large aircraft carrier. Note that nothing changes for the Prometeon and licensees in other countries that have a marketing license, which indeed will benefit from the new agreement.