Well, the deadline has passed that I was told I would hear from Blacklight Power about getting an invitation to their demonstration on January 28th (next Tuesday), and I haven’t received one, so I won’t be going out to New Jersey. I spoke with Sterling Allan of PESN today, and he told me that hasn’t been able to get an invitation either.
Blacklight Power said the places for the demonstration would be limited, and I’m wondering who will get the ringside seats. Maybe they are more interested in getting potential investors there, rather than getting press coverage. Maybe the press release had a wide circulation and there will be some large media organizations present. I’m wondering if anyone in the readership of E-Cat World will be going. If so, it will be great to get a firsthand report of what goes on there.
Sterling told me that he was informed a video of the proceedings would be posted on the Blacklight Power web site shortly after the demo has been concluded, which will be very good to have.
UPDATE Jan 24th: I thought I would include here some Q & A about the demo with Randell Mills on the Society for Classical Physics board (Thanks to tlp)
1. Is the current prototype capable of continuous combustion, or is this a future goal?
The power source is intermittent. We have ordered a continuous high current power supply that can produce essentially continuous plasma output as the ignition frequency increases.
2. Does the device operate like a piston engine where the combustion cycle needs to be timed correctly or else it will sputter out, or do gaps in the hydrino cycle not matter (e.g. instant on / instant off)?
timing is not critical, and gaps in ignition can be averaged out with power conditioning.
How many watts of power can the current prototype generate in one hour?
Fuel is loaded into the electrodes and the fuel of 10 uL ignites when about 12,000 A is flowed for a fraction of a millisecond. The energy released is more than 1 kJ. Conservatively, the power density is 1 kJ/10E-3 s/10E-5 liter = 10E11 W/liter
With interdigitating gear electrodes and flowing fuel, the power is given by the product of the firing frequency and the energy per ignition of fuel compressed in the nth set of teeth through which urrent is flowed.
“The energy release of H2O fuel, freely available in the humidity in the air, is one hundred times that of an equivalent amount of high-octane gasoline.” Does this sentence imply a current or future design might simply
> use the humidity in the air as the fuel without need to pump water > through (e.g. maybe a low power laptop battery device that runs on the atmosphere)?
It is a possibility. I have a patent section on using a hydroscopic compound or material to collect H2O from air.
Regarding the H2O fuel having an energy release 100x that of an equivalent amount of gasoline… this statement doesn’t make any sense to me in the context of billions of watts of power being available in a tiny amount (1 cm^3) of water-fuel.
power is energy/time as given above. higher power is dependent on the energy released and the rate that it
is released
At first glance the 100x seems orders of magnitude low. Does this mean that a volume of gasoline equal to 100 x 1 cm^3 (i.e. 100 cubic cm) would generate an equivalent amount of energy (i.e. producing billions of watts of power)?
The power density of the hydrino reaction is 1,000,000 times higher than that of gasoline combustion mainly due to the rate of the hydrino transition reaction being much faster than the rate of gasoline combustion. The other factor is that the hydrino reaction is much more energetic.
“The power is in the form of plasma, a supersonic expanding gaseous ionized physical state of the fuel comprising essentially positive ions and free electrons that can be converted directly to electricity using highly efficient magnetohydrodynamic converters.” 5. What kind of internal pressures are produced when the device is at full theoretical power?
The pressure is typically that achieved in high explosives, but it expands into vacuum into the MDH converter.
6. Unrelated question. Instead of the typical chemical catalyst, could a laser be used to fire photons of the correct energy at the hydrogen atoms forcing a lepton particle production where the lepton would serve as the catalyst, by having the lepton take away the right amount of energy thereby serving as the energy hole?
Pair production occurs at 1.022 MeV. Most lasers are about 1 eV.