Many thanks to Barry Simon for submitting the following report of today’s proceedings at the cold fusion colloquium at MIT.
The lectures started off with Arik El-Boher from Mizzou (University of Missouri). Sidney Kimmel donated $5.5 million for the Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance there. With that money they have seven groups working on separate aspects of CF, then they collaborate their info with seven labs/companies (the last of which to sign up was Aerospace.) There’s a group with proper support as opposed to MIT, where Peter Hagelstein is the CF lone wolf who was happy to line up a technician this past weekend to help with research. He said he has a credit card with some room on it to pay her with and I’m afraid he was not joking.
It was so great to meet, talk to and thank people I’ve only seen on Youtube like George Miley and Francesco Celani (great people) to name a few. I even got to meet Ruby Carat who was busy conducting many interviews. Jeremy Rys is recording the entire event and promises a summary similar to the one he did for his CF 101 class.
I’m looking forward to some of you watching the videos and giving your take on things because my head is still hurting from trying to wrap it around CF theory. I tend to favor the Edison approaches and findings. Mitchell Swartz and the NANOR progress is a must see. George Miley is no longer working with beads, but clusters similar to Jet Energy. In fact, Miley compared his CF device to a large NANOR. He’s getting peaks of 12 COP and said with funding he could have a home heating product on the market in two years.
My interest in cold fusion is not so much in the deeper science (did I mention my head still hurts) but is more in following the unfolding history and potential. For instance:
A young colleague (I wish I could find his name) of Tadahiko Mizuno (who joined us through Skype for a brief time with Q and A) presented for TM. He showed a video of children of Japan wearing masks and being checked for radiation after Fukushima. This is why he got involved with CF. He wanted clean energy for the people of his country — present and future.
Or the last slide of Franceco Calani that ended with, “I would be happy, as usual, to share all the details of the experiments in the genuine spirit of Live Open Science for the advantage of mankind.”
Then he informed us that the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project is officially a candidate for the Nobel Prize (Bob Greenyer wouldn’t brag about that, but I will). That’s why I go to these events.
Too much unmentioned. Watch the vids.
Peace, Barry