Slideshow of Mizuno-Yoshino Presentation at MIT Conference Published

Jed Rothwell has added the slideshow from the recent presentation by Hideki Yoshino and Tadahiko Mizuno at the cold fusion conference at MIT to his site. Below is one slide that provides summary information of the testing they reported on. The best results were obtained using nickel and deuterium.

One interesting finding presented in the slides is that after the month long experiment was concluded, around twice the amount of hydrogen was found in the ash than from the starting gas. From the presentation:

Screenshot 2014-03-29 13.22.58

Ruby Carat at Cold Fusion Now has done her usual terrific job of recording and chronicling the whole conference, and the audio of the  Yoshino-Mizuno presentation can be found here. Ruby did record a video of all the lectures from the event, but the Mizuno one has not been posted yet.