Networked World, an industry website for networking and IT professionals has published an article by Mark Gibbs titled, “Could ultra-cheap, clean energy be just around the corner? The return of Rossi and the E-Cat.”
Gibbs used to write for Forbes Online, and covered the E-Cat and LENR quite extensively on that site. It’s good to see him covering the topic once again at a different venue.
In the article, Gibbs gives an overview of his past coverage of Andrea Rossi and the E-Cat, and highlights Rossi’s past demonstrations and the first third party test. He then goes on to give a description of the most recent test that was released yesterday, providing some of the most pertinent information (COP for extended testing, and the isotopic changes in the ash from the reactor)
He concludes:
This is the most convincing data so far to support Rossi’s claims and, assuming that all is as it appears, we can start to ponder a future where transportation costs are trivial, every house, business, data center, you name it has it’s own power and heat generation system, every power company becomes obsolete, every third world nation gets to play with the big boys economically, and Andrea Rossi becomes the richest person in history by orders of magnitude.
This is very much a “watch this space” event … stay tuned.
I’m glad that Networking World allowed Mark Gibbs to featured this topic, even though it’s not exactly in the field of IT or computer networks. I am sure, though, that if LENR becomes a bona fide power source it will be discussed widely in the publications of any industry that uses power — which is pretty much every industry out there.