I thought it would be good to start a clean thread to include reports and and discussion about Bob Greenyer’s visit to Moscow to visit Alexander Parkhomov and check out his E-Cat replica experimentation. Bob has said that he will be providing more information and data in the coming days, and he has already provided some information.
Bob had to leave Parkhomov’s lab before the experiment was concluded, and he said it could be some days before the data from the test is compiled and published.
From the MFMP’s Facebook page:
[Bob] says that he made several verifications of measurements and processes and has captured the written notes from the experiment, so that when Dr. Parkhomov presents results, they should be consistent with what was observed real-time.The way the data is capture simply does not allow for a real time understanding and therefore, one can only determine the result after collecting the data together and analysing it post run
Here’s a picture from the MFMP’s Facebook page.

I will add more information to this post as it becomes available.
UPDATE: The MFMP Facebook page has an update in which they include the following report from Dr. Parkhomov.
“After Bob’s departure the reactor temperature of 1200 ° C continued to keep steady. As it is impossible to continue indefinitely each 5-10 minutes to add water, at 1:30 I removed thermal insulation and external vessel with water.
The reactor continued work at the same temperature of 1200°C, being in the internal vessel without cover [see attached photo]. At this time I made calculation for an operating mode with a temperature of 1200. The size COP was about 1 (0.96). Therefore, despite good stability of high temperature, continuation of experiment was senseless and at 3:30 I switched off heater power supply after gradual power reduction.
After cooling it was revealed that the reactor had split into 3 parts in the place where there was a fuel (photo I send). It is possible that before achieving a temperature of 1200°C, there was a strong local warming up of the tube which led to its destruction. It is clear that further work happened without excess energy.
I will give fuller information after completion of processing of the obtained data.”
Below is a picture of the ruptured reactor:

An excerpt:
“It would appear that only the Lugano team and Parkhomov have been successful in seeing excess heat in a Rossi analogue and one of the things they both had in common, was Nickel in their heater coil. Rossi indicated that the heater was ‘doped with Inconel’ which contains nickel. Dr Parkhomov was using NiChrome heater wires, that also contain Nickel.
“The problem Dr. Parkhomov encountered was that the wires failed so readily and could not go higher that 1290ºC, and even then, only for a short period of time. So, by his own direction, for the Friday 27th experiment he had found a Russian maker of a comparable alloy to the Kanthal A1 the MFMP has been using in its thermal verification test. The thing is, it can reach 1400ºC for about 10 hours if lucky, even more necessary considering the new ‘tube furnace’ design, the alloy only contains Fe Cr Al.”
Does this mean that nickel in the wire is a vital part of the E-Cat?
UPDATE #2 (Mar 2, 2015)
Bob Greenyer has published a document reporting about this Parkhomov experiment titled To Russia with Love. It’s a work in progress and can be accessed via Google docs here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BbE6V6HKHC3NOOSJmI9QEgP3H5EXcuGDPNn5Oc787RQ/edit
UPDATE #3 (Mar 2, 2015)
I have corrected the title above to say that there was possible excess heat measured in this recent Parkhomov test. Here’s why. The MFMP ‘To Russia With Love’ document has been updated to included date compiled by Alexander Parkhomov. Below is a table and chart from the document:
In this document, Alexander Parkhomov is quoted as saying:
“It is possible that there was localised warming of the tube leading to its destruction before reaching 1200oC. It is clear that further work took place without excess energy.
“The probable moment when there was a warming up which caused destruction is shown on the chart by a red arrow. There was a rapid growth of temperature between 1110 to 1130 oC which was automatically compensated by deceleration of power of the electro heater.”
MFMP states:
It must also be noted that a COP of 1.12 for the 1100-1200 temperature range is just a little outside error as calculated by his other dummy runs. Having said that, Dr. Parkhomov’s calculation period does include the time after failure if his assumption about failure time is correct. This would have the effect of depressing COP figures.