UPDATE #2 (Mar 21, 2015)
Bob Greenyer just contacted me and directed me towards the latest post on the MFMP Facebook Page regarding the latest development in the ongoing Alexander Parkhomov test. The MFMP writes:
Dr. Parkhomov reports that the target temperature of 1200ºC in the fuelled reactor was achieved by the time the electric power had reached around 600 W (in contrast to 1070 W needed to reach 1200ºC in the dummy). Then within an hour, the regulator had decreased the input power to just 330 W to maintain the same 1200ºC. Approximately, this has been the power required to during the whole operation of the reactor.
The thermocouple is fixed on surface of tube with fuel in the middle of the tube.
Operation of the reactor was interrupted due to a heater burn-out at 10:50 on March 20 (Moscow time). Fortunately though, the tube with fuel wasn’t damaged.
When a replacement heater was used, the reactor RESTARTED!! at 11:10 on March 21 and works still.
This is the first independent report of high power LENR being able to be cooled down and re-started.
It is difficult to grasp the significance of this information.
Dr. Parkhomov, Thankyou.
UPDATE #1 (Mar 19, 2015) Thanks to Peter Gluck of Ego Out for sharing some more information about this experiment.
On the Russian Cold Nuclear Transmutation and CMM site, there is a report providing additional information about Alexander Parkhomov’s reactor (Google translated)
“AG Parkhomov managed to make a long-term operating reactor pressure measurements. March 16 from 23:30 the temperature is kept until now [March 19, 2015]. Photos of the reactor.
“Finally able to make long-term working reactor. The temperature of 1200 ° C is reached at 23:30 on March 16 after a 12-hour gradual heating and lasts until now. Heater power of 300 W, COP = 3.
For the first time successfully managed to mount a pressure gauge installation. With slow heating, the maximum pressure of 5 bar at 200 ° C was reached, and then the pressure was reduced at a temperature of about 1000C to become negative. The most powerful vacuum of about 0.5 bar at a temperature of 1150 ° C was.“With long-term continuous operation is not possible to pour water around the clock. So we had to abandon that used in previous experiments calorimetry based on the measurement of the mass of evaporated water. Determination of thermal efficiency in this experiment was performed by comparing the power consumed by an electric heater in the presence and absence of the fuel mixture. Without fuel, temperature 1200 ° C is achieved with a power of about 1070 watts. In the presence of fuel (630 mg nickel 60 mg of lithium aluminum hydride), such a temperature is reached at a power of 330 watts. Thus, the reactor produces about 700 watts of excess power ( COP ~ 3.2). (Explanation Parkhomov AG, a more accurate value COP requires a more detailed calculation)”

A post on the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project’s Facebook page today reports about breakthrough that Alexander Parkhomov has apparently shared with the MFMP:
“Dr Parkhomov’s new experiment is measuring pressure also.
“Dr. Parkhomov has managed to get a reactor running for the first time long term (more than 90 minutes of excess heat) and has attached a manometer. As of 09:53 CET 18 March 2015, it was still running.
“He reports similar pressure profile to the first MFMP fuelled []=Project Dog Bone=[] test ( although lower peak ) where we saw a rise and then the pressure going below atmospheric. So maybe not all of the H2 was not leaking through the steel?”
It’s good news that a longer run can be achieved by Parkhomov without the reactors breaking — something that has plagued him so far, and put an abrupt stop to his reported experiments so far. I’m looking forward to reading his next report (MFMP says he will share details on March 26)!
The ‘Parkhomov effect’ (the social effect of his work inspiring others to follow suit) is very much in play. I keep hearing about new replication efforts, and I think this latest breakthrough will inspire more and more work in the field.