As promised, Mats Lewan has published what appears to be some important news on his An Impossible Invention blog. He reports that two Swedish scientists will present a new theory about LENR in this paper titled “Nuclear Spallation and Neutron Capture Induced by Ponderomotive Wave Forcing” at the 11th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals, that is being hosted this year by Airbus in Toulouse, France.
Mats’ post can be read here:
This new LENR theory, developed by Rickard Lundin and Hans Lidgren, is based around a the phenomenon known as ponderomotive force (‘a nonlinear force that a charged particle experiences in an inhomogeneous oscillating electromagnetic field’ — Wikipedia), and that neutrons are “shaken loose” from matter at resonant frequencies through an electromagnetic interaction, and when those neutrons are captured by another element, energy is released in large quantities.
Lundin and Lidgren have been in communication with Mats Lewan and have explained that the energy release and isotopic shifts described in the Lugano Report on Rossi’s E-Cat could be explained by ponderomotive force. Subsequently, they did an experiment of their own which verified their theory, but quickly stopped the experiment over concerns about neutron production. A new experiment is planned under carefully controlled conditions.
Input energy is needed to shake loose the neutrons, and Lundin and Lidgren have written a patent around their process. They told Mats Lewan:
“Our method is more precise, using the lowest possible amount of energy [through resonance] to shake loose the neutrons. Others like Rossi are creating turbulence through square waves [in the electrical current feeding the heat resistors controlling the reaction — square waves containing a large number of harmonics and thus many different frequencies], and they get a turbulent wave spectrum risking that some frequencies become a little too high.”
Lundin and Lidgren claim this is a natural phenomenon which takes place inside the earth and would account for the high temperatures maintained beneath the earth’s crust.