An article published on October 30th 2015 in the Ukrainian Weekly Newspaper the Mirror Weekly (Russian: Zerkalo Nedeli, Ukrainian: Dzerkalo Tyzhnia) calls for the Ukrainian government to fund an LENR research program as a means of securing the country’s energy future. The article is written by Dr. Vladimir Vysotsky, professor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Kiev National University Shevchenko and is titled “Late again, Gentlemen.” The Mirror Weekly is an influential newspaper and is read widely among political and academic leaders in Ukraine.
Dr. Vysotsky spends much of the article explaining how Ukraine needs to develop a new source of energy because their energy situation is critical, from the standpoint of being independent of Russian fuel supplies. Ukraine’s own coal and gas production is decreasing, and its nuclear program is in decline (Ukraine get 50 percent of its electricity from nuclear plants) — and so there is a dire need for a new source of energy.
Vysotsky reviews that progress that has been going on in the LENR field, including Rossi’s work and Parkhomov’s replication. He notes that Russia now has started a state-sponsored LENR research program, and argues that Ukraine should now do the same.
The article can be read here. Some excerpts:
“In Russia, where the study of alternative energy, for obvious reasons, has always been taboo, there has recently been created, and is under approval at the state level, a very ambitious, “Russian investment program of study LENR” the rationale of short-term and long-term research and implementation in the 5, 15 and 30 years. Full-official (not in the kitchen!) LENR research under this program has already begun in such well-known research centers as the Institute of General Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences.”
” . . . it is obvious that the success of Ukraine as a state can only be achieved through the use of advanced technology. Of course, you can ignore this fact, staying on the old technological base of XIX and XX centuries, at best, delay copying (and often buying) what others have done and once again hoping for a “maybe”. This is hardly a sensible approach, when you consider that in theory, in understanding the physical processes in LENR and processes in the E-cat generator, we are at the forefront, and we know how to build such a generator and even multiply its performance compared the results of Rossi.”
“In the Kiev University Shevchenko such studies have been conducted over 30 years, they are partly patented, the results published in reputable nuclear physics journals and recognized throughout the world, we are invited all the conferences. But without sufficient external funding, these studies can not be brought to practical implementation and, especially, to the actual implementation. The efforts of a few other enthusiasts (E. Andreev of the Institute of Physics National Academy of Sciences, V. Dubinko of Karkhov Polytechnical Institute, A. Hrischanovich of TET laboratory in Zaporozhye) are limited by the same financial challenges. Talking time has passed, we need real action.”
It’s interesting to get the Ukrainian perspective here from someone who has obviously been paying attention to all the developments in the LENR field. There is a natural desire in Ukraine to become energy independent, especially given current the geopolitical situation, and if Russia is starting a state LENR program, there is clearly an incentive for Ukraine to do the same.