The following text and image was sent to me by Chinese LENR researcher Songsheng Jiang
Thank you for your message about the latest progress in Zhang Hang’s LENR experiment. Zhang Hang is an engineer, and now he is a LENR researcher in his own LENR laboratory in Xian.
Here is a further introduction of Zhang hang’s latest experiment report: (1) In this experiment he has improved the reaction vessel. The volume of reaction vessel is much smaller than the old one. The new vessel has outer diameter of 20 mm and length of 250 mm, and the old one was outer diameter of 60 mm and length of 150 mm. The small volume may reduce heat capacity of reaction vessel, and then may reach a rapidly temperature response with heat power. A rapid temperature change may be helpful to stimulate excess heat. (2) Infrared temperature sensor is used for temperature measurement of reaction vessel, instead of K-type thermocouple, which may be failure at high temperature over 1200 0C and in the hydrogen gas, the infrared temperature sensor was calibrated with K-type thermocouple in reactor vessel. The temperature measured with both techniques is agreed within 5 0C in 800-1300 0C. (3) The input power was regulated with a PID automatic temperature control. (4) The vibration power with PID control is used for heating reaction vessel (see in the additional figure), instead of regular power. The vibration power may be good to stimulate the excess heat production. (5) This experiment has a good repeatability for a long period, that can be seen from result of the first round (May 16-17, 2016) and second round (May 18-21, 2016). The excess heat was 190 W at 1252 0C in the first round and was 205 W at about 1200 0C in the second round. The excess heat was lasted for a long time.
Finally, an additional figure is given (see attachment), and more information has been shown in the figure.
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