The following post has been submitted by Axil Axil
Ed Storms:
“The NAE in my theory are cracks of a especially small gap size that are generated by stress relief in the material. They permit formation of a structure that is able to lower the Coulomb barrier and dissipate the energy by emission of low energy photons from the nucleus. The theory shows how helium, tritium and deuterium are made by the fusion process, what conditions are required for the process to work, and identifies engineering variables that are needed to control the process. ”
What does high packing of hydrogen above 95% into a palladium lattice or into a porous nickel fuel particle do in the LENR process or the cracks and pits of any metal lattice?
In the quantum mechanical world because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle(HUP), if an object’s position becomes sharply defined then its momentum becomes highly uncertain, and vice versa. Thus, if we cool atoms down, the momentum of each atom decreases, and the quantum uncertainty of its position grows. Instead of being able to pinpoint where each atom is, we can now only see a blurry space somewhere within which the atom must be. At some point, the neighboring uncertain positions of nearby atoms start overlapping and the atoms lose their individual identities. Surprisingly, the distinct atoms become a single entity, and behave as one coherent unit.
When a gas is forced into a confining volume inside a metal lattice, the gas gains energy from the HUP. But that energy is carried off by the lattice and the gas cools. As additional gas is forced into the confining lattice, and its associated energy gains are cooled by energy transfer away from the volume, the gas becomes increasingly coherent. The lattice acts like the compressor in a refrigerator.
The compressed gas cools to a point where the individual gas atoms loss their identity and become a single waveform…in effects a single atom. This superatom can not tolerate a mixing of individual positive a negative charges inside its super nucleus, so a critical point is reached when the positive and negative charges of the protons and electrons separate.
The separation of the charges increases the loss of kinetic energy and this energy the last bit of kinetic energy from the individual atoms, is removed from the nascent superatom in Bremsstrahlung as the individual electrons wiggle their way out of the newly forming super nucleus. This burst of gamma rays are what we have seen in the segment 7 radiation bursts in some MFMP experiments and in early Rossi reactor startups.
These electons form a coherent cloud of negative charge that orbits around the newly formed composite positively charged superatom nucleus that has a combined composite spin producing a anapole magnetic field…a super-radiant monopole magnetic field.
What that compression of gas into the metal lattice has generated for us is a new particle…a quasiparticle…a Bose condinsate…a superconductor that serves the same function as the Anisotropic magnets do in LENR. This new particle acts as a molecular Anisotropic magnet that produces the special kinds of spinning vortex like magnetic fields that will excite the protons and neutrons in nearby atoms to decay under the auspices of the weak force.
Now we see strange mesons that turn into pions and then muons. In this bath of weird and uncommon sub-atomic particles, we see protons turn into neutrons, muon catalyzed fusion of light atoms and fission of heavy atoms, and then transmutations of every kind based on the random configurations of the atoms in the vicinity of the subatomic particle shower.
The Magic of Cracks, Pits, and Holes (Axil Axil)
The following post has been submitted by Axil Axil
Ed Storms:
“The NAE in my theory are cracks of a especially small gap size that are generated by stress relief in the material. They permit formation of a structure that is able to lower the Coulomb barrier and dissipate the energy by emission of low energy photons from the nucleus. The theory shows how helium, tritium and deuterium are made by the fusion process, what conditions are required for the process to work, and identifies engineering variables that are needed to control the process. ”
What does high packing of hydrogen above 95% into a palladium lattice or into a porous nickel fuel particle do in the LENR process or the cracks and pits of any metal lattice?
In the quantum mechanical world because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle(HUP), if an object’s position becomes sharply defined then its momentum becomes highly uncertain, and vice versa. Thus, if we cool atoms down, the momentum of each atom decreases, and the quantum uncertainty of its position grows. Instead of being able to pinpoint where each atom is, we can now only see a blurry space somewhere within which the atom must be. At some point, the neighboring uncertain positions of nearby atoms start overlapping and the atoms lose their individual identities. Surprisingly, the distinct atoms become a single entity, and behave as one coherent unit.
When a gas is forced into a confining volume inside a metal lattice, the gas gains energy from the HUP. But that energy is carried off by the lattice and the gas cools. As additional gas is forced into the confining lattice, and its associated energy gains are cooled by energy transfer away from the volume, the gas becomes increasingly coherent. The lattice acts like the compressor in a refrigerator.
The compressed gas cools to a point where the individual gas atoms loss their identity and become a single waveform…in effects a single atom. This superatom can not tolerate a mixing of individual positive a negative charges inside its super nucleus, so a critical point is reached when the positive and negative charges of the protons and electrons separate.
The separation of the charges increases the loss of kinetic energy and this energy the last bit of kinetic energy from the individual atoms, is removed from the nascent superatom in Bremsstrahlung as the individual electrons wiggle their way out of the newly forming super nucleus. This burst of gamma rays are what we have seen in the segment 7 radiation bursts in some MFMP experiments and in early Rossi reactor startups.
These electons form a coherent cloud of negative charge that orbits around the newly formed composite positively charged superatom nucleus that has a combined composite spin producing a anapole magnetic field…a super-radiant monopole magnetic field.
What that compression of gas into the metal lattice has generated for us is a new particle…a quasiparticle…a Bose condinsate…a superconductor that serves the same function as the Anisotropic magnets do in LENR. This new particle acts as a molecular Anisotropic magnet that produces the special kinds of spinning vortex like magnetic fields that will excite the protons and neutrons in nearby atoms to decay under the auspices of the weak force.
Now we see strange mesons that turn into pions and then muons. In this bath of weird and uncommon sub-atomic particles, we see protons turn into neutrons, muon catalyzed fusion of light atoms and fission of heavy atoms, and then transmutations of every kind based on the random configurations of the atoms in the vicinity of the subatomic particle shower.