Brilliant Light Power Developments: David Niebauer Interviews Author Brett Holverstott

In a newly released podcast, California-based attorney and abundant energy advocate David Niebauer, who is currently seeking to organize an ‘Abundant Clean Energy X-Prize’, interviews Brett Holverstott. Holverstott is a former employee/intern at Brilliant Light Power, and who has recently published a book about BLP titled Randell Mills and the Search for Hydrino Energy.

David Niebauer is also Vice President, Business Development & General Counsel for Brillouin Energy

Below are a few key points from the interview that stood out to me.

Holverstott states that he has found Randell Mills to be a really friendly and agreeable (and brilliant) person with a strong work ethic who likes to discuss topics of a high technical level.

Holverstott discusses Mills’ theory of the Hydrino, saying that it a hydrogen atom with an electron orbit closer to the nucleus than normal, forming a atom with a higher binding energy, which can be formed with a chemical or atomic catalytic process. He says Mills’ theory states that during this process, substantial amounts of energy are released (circa 100 times more energy than in hydrogen-oxygen combustion). He says that hydrino atoms can only be seen when they are being formed (they can’t be detected by spectroscopy because they don’t absorb or emit light), and during formation they emit extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray light which is ubiquitous throughout the universe, He speculates therefore that the hydrino may be the most abundant state of matter in the universe.

Niebauer asks Holverstott to describe the current BLP device under development — the SuncCell. He says BLP’s breakthrough came when they discovered that shooting 11-12,000 of amps of current through a pellet containing water and metal powder created micro-explosions that broke bonds in water which allowed for hydrino formation, creating much more energy than is possible with any known chemical reaction. This experiment has been the basis of the SunCell. They later discovered that they could inject water vapor into molten silver electrodes and get a continuous emmission of light when high current was applied. Only about 1 percent of the light emitted is visible light; the rest is x-ray and ultraviolet.

Hoverstott says that currently BLP is working with two engineering companies (one is identified as Masimo Semiconductor) to develop the Solar PV system that will capture the light to generate electricity. They are hoping to reach an efficiency of 45-50 per cent conversion of light to electricity. In time they hope to make an refrigerator-size 250kW power source to use in the backup power sector, and they are working to line up early adopter and strategic partners.

The full podcast can be found at the following links:

I found the interview to be very interesting with both participants doing a great job of making the topic easy to follow. Holverstott has many years’ of active involvement with Brilliant Light Power and seems to be very well informed of the development of the company, and it’s current plans for commercialization.