Tear-down and Testing of Orbo O-Cube Cells (Greg Daigle)

The following post has been submitted by Greg Daigle

The last threads from Frank about Steorn’s Orbo “OCube” reported in this forum had mixed results. In E-Cat World you can reference these postings:

In summary, the O-Cube appeared not to perform as claimed and the electronic circuitry was suspected as the cause.
Since then (February/March 2017), Steorn closed shop, liquidated its assets, and founder Shaun McCarthy and some of his former employees have gone on to new ventures.
In early October 2016 Frank sent the OCube he had received from Steorn to me (I am a former member of the Steorn Knowledge Data Base) and I began a teardown of the components.  I acquired a digital oscilloscope and other software to do some analysis of the individual blue cells.  The blue cells were the battery-like components, covered in mastic and purportedly containing rolls of Shaun’s “magic film” capable of recharging themselves.  Testing was as time allowed.
This report highlights that testing of the blue cells and the results.  From these tests the following conclusions were reached regarding individual blue cells:
They do not harvest energy from the environment
They do recharge themselves as claimed by Steorn
I remain open to doing additional tests as time allows.  Looking forward to critiques and ideas to test.

Here is my report: https://e-catworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/O-Cube-Report-v2.pdf

O-Cube Report v2