Rossi: E-Cat QX Has ‘Zero’ Resistance (Update: ‘Not a Superconductor’)

There has been a lot of discussion here recently about the resistance of the E-Cat QuarkX, and Andrea Rossi had said that he considered the matter of the electrical resistance of the E-Cat QX to be confidential information.

Today on the Journal of Nuclear Physics, however, Rossi gave a direct answer to a question on the subject:

August 10, 2017 at 4:21 AM
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Which is the internal resistance of the Ecat QX?

Andrea Rossi
August 10, 2017 at 2:33 PM
Warm Regards,

If this really is the case, then the E-Cat QX would be a superconductor — making it even more remarkable than “just” being an energy catalyzer/energy multiplier.

On a related note, when asked for a general update, Rossi today responded:

Andrea Rossi
August 10, 2017 at 2:32 PM
We are strongly reducing the energy consumption of the control panel.
Pretty good standing.
Warm Regards,

I hope that these developments can be verified somehow when Rossi makes the QX presentation, but I am not sure that we can count on that, based on what he has said so far regarding what to expect from the demonstration.

UPDATE: I posted this question on the JONP and got a reply.

Frank Acland
August 10, 2017 at 5:21 PM
Dear Andrea,

Based on your comment to Prof about the resistance of the E-Cat QX, would it be accurate to say that the E-Cat QX is a superconductor?

Andrea Rossi
August 10, 2017 at 6:40 PM
Frank Acland:
Superconductivity is a completely different thing.
Obviously my “zero” was not absolute, it was jargon for good conductor ( otherwise I wouldn’t write it in letters). I just wanted to say that it is a good conductor, like copper, so that its resistance ( that cannot be R = 0 ) does not affect the circuit.
Warm Regards,