Results of MFMP NOVA Testing Published — Inconclusive on Transmutation

Thanks to Bob Greenyer for pointing out this report.

Bob Greenyer and George Egely of the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project invited Andrew Johnson of the Check the Evidence website to be an independent observer of testing of a carbon sample processed in Dr. Egely’s NOVA reactor and analyzed at Bob Greenyer’s office in Brno, Czech Republic. The main goal of the testing was to see if transmutation could be observed in the sample.

Andrew Johnson has published his report on the Check the Evidence website here:

The report has also been published on the MFMP’s Steemit site here:

Here is an excerpt of the results section from the Johnson report:



No fast or thermal neutrons were detected.


No gammas above background were detected.

Magnetism Test

It appeared some small proportion of the dust was diamagnetic (it moved away from the magnet – see video). However, the original spectrographic rods are also diamagnetic.

SEM / Mass Spectrometer

When the powder samples were scanned under the electron microscope and mass spectrometer, as well as the expected elements of C (Carbon), K (Potassium), and Oxygen, small amounts of calcium, aluminium, sulphur and silicon were detected in 2 of the samples, but this was not viewed as conclusive proof that transmutation had occurred.

Andrew Johnson points out that there was not a lot of time for further experimentation during this period due to the high cost of renting the SEM/Mass spectrometer instrument, but that more testing is proposed by MFMP to investigate further.