The Patsy, the Working Group, and the Hardware (Hank Mills)

The following post has been submitted by Hank Mills

There’s a saying that there’s nothing new under the sun. That adage also holds true for the unidentified flying objects that have been sighted in the skies of our planet since antiquity. In fact, the astonishing rock-solid evidence of a startling encounter with a seemingly intelligently controlled craft released by the Pentagon’s newly declassified Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) isn’t really a breakthrough, a revelation, or a discovery of paradigm shattering magnitude.

At least hundreds – if not thousands – of equally significant events have been documented over the past century. Being tracked on radar repeatedly violating our airspace, showing off their technological superiority while interacting with our aircraft, remotely disrupting the control systems of our nuclear arsenal, and in some cases crashing to Earth leaving behind hardware and corpses, they’ve attracted plenty of attention by the powers that be.

Starting at least immediately after the crash of an extraterrestrial space craft outside of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and continuing through the cold war to modern times, a conglomeration of influential parties and individuals identified by multiple different names in the history of ufology that I refer to here as the “Working Group”, has made it its mandate to manage all knowledge and information about these non-human visitors.

After decades of repeated, frequent visitation, the bulk of the scientific community still equate all unidentified aerial phenomena to snake oil and pseudo-scientific woo woo. Compared to the Working Group, the AATIP is nothing more than a Johnny-come-lately entity attempting to figure out exactly has been going on.

The gun camera footage of a clearly anomalous craft obtained by two Super Hornet jet fighter pilots, along with associated witness testimony, shows those involved with the AATIP haven’t been twiddling their thumbs. There’s no denying the significance of the incident; no human built craft utilizing even the most advanced publicly known technology could maneuver in such a manner. No plane, drone, or rocket ever built can make such hard turns, accelerate so rapidly, and instantly stop on a dime; moreover, the visible lack of any component resembling a known propulsion or control mechanism is confounding, to say the least.

But a dozen such videos would not compare to the evidence and assets collected by the Working Group, because they have actual hardware. That’s right, I refuse to pull my punches here: they have had since early July of 1947, and possibly before, at least partially intact extraterrestrial space craft along with the bodies of their occupants.

The bounty acquired from the find of an ET craft would be incalculable. For a moment, consider the massive wealth of knowledge that could be obtained from the study of any one item found aboard. Ignoring the bodies and the organ systems composing their overall anatomy, single cells from the bodies could contain DNA, genes, proteins, and organelles capable of keeping thousands of biologists up to their neck in work for their entire careers. Any bacteria, viruses, parasites, symbiotes, or other organisms found while analyzing these cells could represent additional life-forms that would require additional study. This would be a serious matter, because no one would want a beast such as the fictional “Andromeda Strain” pathogen escaping and wreaking havoc.

From a material science point of view – not even considering the process of trying to figure out their purpose or function – every device found would have to be studied intently. A single gadget could be composed of totally unknown polymers, alloys, semi-conductors, super-conductors, and other materials that would make even the often hyped up Earth material, graphene, seem oddly mundane. From one ray gun or communicator, a hundred new industries could be spawned, each producing materials that could change our civilization as significantly as plastics did last century! Since it seems plausible that extraterrestrial craft capable of traversing long distances would utilize information technology, the computer systems of any such ship would be worthy of intense study.

Already, we humans on Earth can fit the equivalent of a full-sized library of books in a single computer. If our data storage technologies can store hundreds of gigabytes in postage stamp sized flash memory chips, I’d suppose that such a space faring species could achieve greater densities. Hacking into such an extraterrestrial database, if we could even interpret a fraction the content, might give us access to the accumulated knowledge of a thousand different cultures spanning the galaxy – each ancient and having existing in a technologically sophisticated state for potentially thousands or millions of years. As you can see, not even factoring in the energy production and propulsion technologies that could be acquired from the study of such a vehicle, the Working Group possessed hardware and biology of infinite worth.

There was certainly a need to apply a great deal of caution during the examination and investigation of these materials. Perhaps, when it came to certain specifics and details, there could have even been a legitimate need for a certain level of secrecy – at least initially. But the Working Group didn’t simply take a modest length of time (perhaps a few months or up to a year) to assess what they found before at least sharing some of the fundamentals of the discovery with the public.

Primarily, the extraterrestrial nature of the craft found at Roswell should have been admitted to and the initial cover-up, including weather balloon absurdity, emphatically apologized for. Instead, they decided to continually suppress the knowledge obtained from the very citizens they were supposed to serve, while hungrily seeking more assets of extraterrestrial origin for their own purposes.

They have continued along this corrupt path to this very day. A few readers of this article may argue that someone or some faction of the Working Group (most likely after all these years it’s not a totally monolithic organization) allowed for the creation of the AATIP, and, therefore, are starting a process of disclosure. “We should be encouraged and celebrate that disclosure is beginning,” they may exclaim. “After being kept in the dark so long, we should just be happy they are letting some information out! Why bite the hand that feeds us?”

We, members of the public in the declassified world, have been kept trapped in a narrowly confined paradigm due to the initial decisions and continuing efforts of the Working Group. While ET craft are flying in our skies above our heads, we’re allowed to be taught that any intelligent extraterrestrial life is likely far away (if we are not alone in the universe altogether),that there will never be a way of traveling faster than light to make interstellar space travel practical (at least in a normal human lifespan), and we know almost everything of practical value when it comes to physics (Einstein’s E=MC2 tells us everything we need to know).

Not only are we kept trapped in a tangled web of falsehoods to keep the elephant in the room almost invisible, but the vast majority of our leaders are as well. Our elected decision makers are kept ignorant despite the reality of such contact being of utmost urgency. Apparently, the Working Group assumes that they’ve been bestowed some divine right to govern over all these matters. Operating outside the governmental structure established in the constitution, denying the concept of democracy, seeking to maintain the status quo of secrecy above all other considerations: their tyranny knows no bounds.

If the members of the former AATIP project, which has reportedly been defunded and shut down, are truly seeking to serve the public good, they should do more than push to declassify the UFO evidence they’ve accumulated. With equal vigor, they should openly share what they know or have discovered about the Working Group and urge the official government of the United to bring all matters pertaining to UFOs under the control of duly elected representatives. I suspect that the members of the AATIP project and the civilian organizations they are now coordinating with would have little or no problem with this.

What may complicate the efforts to get at the truth about the UFO topic is that the Working Group and their allies likely had already built their own replications of extraterrestrial vehicles by the 1960s or 1970s, at the latest. By examining the workings of the craft recovered at Roswell and other recovery sites, they likely discovered that Maxwell’s original conceptualization of electrodynamics (before Heaviside gutted his original equations) offered a correct interpretation of physical reality in most regards. I believe a significant percentage of unknown craft in our skies exhibiting seemingly impossible maneuvers are of human origin: utilizing a complete grasp of physical reality rather than the tiny subset used by aeronautical engineers to produce chemically fueled rockets and jet engines.

The classical view of electrodynamics was one in which an aether or universal medium pervaded all space, even existing in the hard vacuum light years away between stars. In relation to the study of electrical forces, a flow of aether was the source of the “magnetic vector potential” which Maxwell considered to be the prime mover and source of momentum for all electromagnetic phenomenon. Along with the “scalar potential” (which could be considered somewhat analogous to the atmospheric pressure of the aether), these two concepts gave electromagnetism physical reality, something more than mathematical equations. The manipulation of this aether could allow for the manipulation of gravity, inertia, and mass. This is because if such a structure to the vacuum actually exists, these forces are not properties intrinsic to matter; instead, these forces are simply a result of the interaction of matter with the medium in which they occupy. Electrodynamics could be directly compared to the hydrodynamic study of fluids. Around the year 1900 or shortly after, cynics began to dismiss the idea of the aether. Then a little while later, Heaviside truncated and reformulated Maxwell’s original equations completely eliminating the magnetic vector potential and scalar potential. This was the travesty beyond imagination that crippled humanity’s path to the stars. To get an idea of what his self-confessed, quoted “murder” of the magnetic vector potential and “elimination” of the scalar potential did, imagine a raging, powerful river the top few inches of has been frozen over by an arctic blast. The currents, pressures, and movements of the flowing water beneath the icy layer above are the dynamic, momentum carrying “potentials” that Heaviside eliminated. All that’s left to be seen is the frozen, stationary surface which roughly represents the magnetic and electric fields in this analogy. Sadly, this leaves humanity with only a tiny sub-set of physical reality to engineer.

Multiple witnesses have come forward revealing that in top secret “special access projects” exotic craft with “reactionless” propulsion systems (meaning they don’t burn rocket or jet fuels to push matter backwards to get an equal and opposite Newtonian push forward) have been built and successfully flown. A detailed description of one possible such craft, referred to as the Fluxliner ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicle), is available in multiple documentaries available with a quick internet search — see one source here: The witness who allegedly saw the craft and worked with a trusted colleague to produce detailed diagrams has provided a plethora of information.

Basically, in accordance with the results of various private experimenters and theoreticians, the Fluxliner ARV manipulated the aether occupying its external environment via extremely intense electric fields. Their specific orientations producing an asymmetrical gradient in the density of the aether, a propulsive force was produced that could allow for faster than light travel. Once the propulsion system was activated with the output of two deep cycle lead acid batteries, the energy of the vacuum itself sustained the craft. This propulsion system not only allowed faster than light travel but an elimination of inertial forces that would harm occupants and a deflector barrier to prevent catastrophic strikes from interstellar dust: all the primary systems of Star Trek’s Star Ship Enterprise simplified and combined!

Long time readers E-Cat World, who have followed the saga of Andrea Rossi’s technology, might recognize the probable involvement of these “potentials” and the aether in the Energy Catalyzer. To explain the connection, I must go back to the work of another amazingly intuitive inventor named Kenneth Shoulders.

Often described as the father of microelectronics for his pioneering work in chip making technologies during the earlier portion of his career, he labored for decades in the later years of his life investigating anomalous yet ubiquitous objects called Exotic Vacuum Objects. He discovered that when you apply a sufficiently quick high voltage pulse across the gap between a sharpened cathode and an anode, what appears to be a dense self-organized ball or torus of electrons appear.

Somehow defying the repulsive force between their like electrical charges, they hold together in an organized pattern. These structures of intense charge density – also called charge clusters or electron clusters — confined in such a tiny region (often around one micrometer in diameter although capable of growing far larger) have the capability of doing all sorts of nearly unimaginable things. The ability to accelerate heavy positive ions to a fraction of the speed of light with nearly no energy cost, bore tunnels through solid materials in a process that de-molecularizes matter, induce nuclear reactions by multiple mechanisms, produce powerful beams of magnetic vector potential, seemingly fade in and out of existence: these critters are as strange as they are potentially useful.

Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat devices likely have used EVOs, in one flavor or another since there are multiple types, as catalysts to induce nuclear reactions. To fully explain the connections between EVOs and LENR would require another essay, but suffice it to say that once understood the links are obvious. What’s most interesting is to consider the processes by which the E-Cat QX is likely extracting energy from the vacuum: drawing from the scalar and vector potentials that aren’t supposed to exist according to the officialdom of science. In reality, Andrea Rossi is re-inventing a wheel that’s closely related to technologies the Working Group de-engineered from extraterrestrial craft long ago.

When Kenneth Shoulders first submitted patent applications, the government attempted to classify his work – nullifying years of laboratory time, theoretical work by his close colleague Harold Puthoff, and a significant monetary investment by his financial benefactor. He managed to rescue his technology from being suppressed by the military-industrial complex only be producing and distributing a book titled, “EV – A Tale of Discovery.” to several of his closest friends, associates, and colleagues.

After refusing to disclose to whom he sent the detailed step by step description of his work up to that point, the government relented and dropped their effort to classify his patent applications. There are many reasons why they may have desired to impose such a classification. Over-unity energy production via generation of linearly directed longitudinal waves (magnetic vector potential) that due to a lack of a hydrodynamic swirling component “curl” (a contaminating magnetic field component) do not produce the back EMF Lenz Law demands, induction of nuclear reactions with ordinary stable materials for very low input energies, the capability in some configurations to produce powerful electromagnetic pulses, the ability to produce all sorts of anomalous effects in materials: these all may or may not have been involved in their decision to try and bury his years of labor.

But another possibility instantly comes to mind. Kenneth Shoulders supposed that an individual EVO – an tightly confined organized pattern of electrons with perhaps heavier ions at their core – would experience acceleration when its overall shape was distorted. To conceptualize this idea, imagine a symmetrical, roughly round ball of rotating electrons with a vortex going down the middle. If through external manipulation one side of this torodial system became skinnier while the other became fatter (perhaps becoming more like an asymmetrical tear drop) a gradient in the density of the aether would be a result. According to many modern theorists who have analyzed the connections between classical electrodynamics and hydrodynamics, this would produce an imbalance of force producing motion.

The glowing and seemingly electric aura around the UFO video released by the AATIP seems to indicate it was surrounded by a powerful electric field – perhaps creating a gradient in the aether around itself to manipulate gravity, mass, and inertia (which are all really different manifestations of potentials that Heaviside eliminated from Maxwell’s equations) to perform the beyond zippy accelerations recorded by the Navy pilots interviewed by the New York Times. Now the connection becomes clear and leads to a number of questions.

What if yet another reason Kenneth Shoulder’s work was attempted to be classified is that the basic propulsion mechanism of his electron clusters (EVOs) and the extraterrestrial craft visiting our planet are identical? (Including the craft built by the Working Group?)

What if a comprehensive study of Kenneth Shoulder’s electron clusters (EVOs) by a broader range of laboratories would reveal the existence and primary importance of Maxwell’s electromagnetic potentials (the true motive force below the surface of the frozen over river) to the world?

What if the consequence of this knowledge being openly accepted as scientific fact – no longer only discussed by a select few – would be a chilling yet infuriating wake up call that craft with the properties attributed to UFOs could have been built with decades old technology?

The potential answers to the above three questions are probably of high importance to the Working Group; yet, whether or not they were involved, directly or indirectly, with the attempted suppression of his work is unknown.

My hope is the future videos, photographs, and witness interviews the remnants of the AATIP may provide won’t turn this de-funded project into a patsy for the Working Group. When people look towards the AATIP standing next to a monitor showing footage of a flying disc that had been classified for a few years, they need to notice the crashed discs, alien bodies, and recovery teams in the landscape behind them, extending all the way back to 1947. Although the precise activities, motives, and agenda of the AATIP is not fully understood (there’s always a chance that someone from the Working Group has been interfacing with them), in the worst case they are likely luminous beings of light compared to the dark entities that preceeded them.

If we are extremely lucky, individuals who were associated with the AATIP may continue to work together, even if in an unofficial manner, to expose the full and uncensored history of the Working Group. Then, if we are extremely fortunate, one day soon the Roswell UFO could be displayed for all to see on the White House lawn. Only then can we travel to the stars and properly introduce the human species to our countless, infinitely varied, and likely very interesting neighbors.

Hank Mills