A new issue of the Russian “Journal of Unconventional Science” has been published which is dedicated to the topic of LENR. It can be accessed here: http://www.unconv-science.org/n17/
Along with some theoretical articles, there are two experimental reports.
Of particular interest to people who are interested in E-Cat-type replication is the article “Experimental studies of excess heat release in a Ni + LiAlH4 system” by I.N. Stepanov and V.A. Pancelug.
Of course the text is all in Russian, but here is an English translation (via Google) of the summary:
We investigated several variants of the reactor design, with the help of which the efficiency of a heat generator based on the reaction Ni + LiAlH4 was demonstrated. The conducted studies showed that the thermal yield of this reaction exceeds the power supplied to the heat generator by 10-50% and is in absolute terms 4.3 MJ (1.2 kWh). On the average, as follows from the estimates given in Fig. 4 and Fig. 7, a thermal cell containing 1.5 g of fuel mixture can produce 50-100 Volts of excess capacity (in excess of the power consumed from the grid). The results obtained so far, allow us to state the reality of excessive heat generation in Ni + LiAlH4- system. A quantitative evaluation of the characteristic value of this heat release and the study of its specific mechanisms require, in our opinion, further continuation of the currently ongoing experiments.
The complete article can be read (in Russian) here: http://www.unconv-science.org/pdf/17/stepanov-ru.pdf
This result is in line with a number of other replication efforts reported over the years, using the ingredients mentioned in Rossi’s Fluid Heater patent, in which the COP is between 1 and 2.