Mats Lewan Previews the Jan 31st E-Cat Presentation

Mats Lewan sent me this morning a link to a new article that he has written and published on his site, An Impossible Invention here:

Mats outlines some of the things that he has been told about the E-Cat SK, and comments on them. Here are a few excerpts:

– The actual device, containing one reactor, has a maximum thermal power output of 35 kW. It measures 93x40x47 cm, and it consumes a small amount of electricity for the control system.

– The customer pays for the output thermal energy minus the input electric energy which is fed from an outlet in the customer’s premises, with the electric measurement controlled by the customer.

– The core temperature inside the reactor reportedly reaches a temperature about 10,000°C, heating a coolant through an in-built heat exchanger. The standard version of the E-Cat can heat water or steam up to 500-600°C. Using a different heat exchanger and other coolants, significantly higher temperatures can be reached, essentially limited only by the material properties of the heat exchanger.


– The reaction emits very low levels of electromagnetic radiation—the same kind as e.g. light, radio waves, and microwaves. The wavelength is essentially between 300 and 330 nanometers, slightly shorter than UV-light from the sun. No other kind of radiation from the E-Cat has ever been detected.

– Inside the device casing but outside the reactor, at a distance of 1 cm from the reactor wall, the radiation level is reportedly between 0.06 and 0.16 µSv/h—slightly above background level which is 0.05-0.07 µSv/h—in a day adding up to approximately one arm X-ray. Outside the device, however, the radiation level from the process is zero, due to shielding.

Mats writes that while he concedes nothing concrete will be confirmed at the January 31st event, since the current customer will not be revealed, and no third party testing will be reported, all he has learned and experienced over the last eight years, including taking his own measurements of an early E-Cat, “indicates that the E-Cat is a working device, although many would call it An Impossible Invention.”