Interview With Robert Godes of Brillouin Energy (Ruby Carat)

Ruby Carat of Cold Fusion Now has just posted a podcast in which she interviews Robert Godes, President and Chief Technical Officer of Brillouin Energy Corporation. The podcast (along with other interviews Ruby has conducted can be heard here:

A few points that Robert Godes makes in the interview:

– Brillouin plans to follow an ‘Intel Inside’ business model where they make Brillouin LENR units that can be placed inside products of manufacturers.
– Brillouin has sold and negotiated license agreements to three manufacturers and industrialists who will have the rights to use Brillouin products.
– To have a profitable cost-effective LENR power station 10x [COP of 10, electricity in, thermal energy out] is necessary. Once you reach 20x you can use LENR for transportation and other portable power products.
– New developments. They have been working to improve the Q-pulse technology and finished at the end of August. Since then they have been able to dramatically improve control over the reaction and they can reliably get over 2x now with it.
– They use a sharp ‘impulse function’ in which a proton captures an electron. Reaction is driven and dissipated by phonons.
– They have four test systems in their lab at Berkeley. They need funds to engineer develop catalyst rods and approach manufacturers and start production.

There is an opportunity for people to participate in a Brillouin profit-sharing system at a new website:

Minimum investment is 24,750 EUR