I received the following from a reader regarding a new video made bb Russian physicist Igor Danillov titled “The Secret of Rossi Revealed?”. The reader provides a translation from Russian into English, admitting that there could be mistakes.
The secret of Rossi revealed?
Video of the Russian physicist Igor Danillov from 12 February 2019:
Igor Danillov proposes a hypothesis for the Rossi effect.
He examines this figure on the website of Vessela Nikolova:
His colleague Sergey Tsvetkov supposes that with the help of argon it becomes possible to achieve this enormous quantity of energy. In the reactor itself there is a thin wire of about 1 mm, which is about 1.5 cm long.
Igor thinks that the argon, which on the figure is connected only with the control panel, could be the source of Rossi’s secret.
According to the Hydrino theory, in a normal situation the hydrogen can not pass in a lower position. But in some special conditions such positions are accessible and we can achieve maximum output of 137 squared x 13.6. 13.6 is the energy of ionization of the hydrogen.
But in which conditions is this possible? If we have argon or helium in an energized condition, energy of 4 x 13.6 eV is radiated and when this energy is dissipated on the electrons of the hydrogen, these electrons can pass to this lower position.
In this connection there is a theory of Celani, the Italian physicist. He tries on this way to explain the classical work of Randell Mills.
So, in normal situation the hydrogen can’t pass in lower position. But when we heat it and mix it with helium or argon, then these lower positions become accessible.
In the theory of Celani there is a hypothesis about the electron’s structure. It is supposed that if on the electron energy of 4 x 13.6 eV is dissipated, the electron can pass to such “inner” positions. This inner, lower position in the hydrogen’s atom become accessible for it.
The recipe of Randell Mills is very simple: the hydrogen is mixed with helium or argon, then through this mixture electric currency is passed, a discharge. When we pass powerful electrical currency, the helium or argon ionize themselves, and going to the basic condition they radiate energy, this energy is dissipated to the electrons of the hydrogen and these electrons, or part of them, go to the lower position and radiate enormous quantity of energy.
In this theory we don’t speak about the Coulomb’s barrier. So is the Randell Mills’ plant working.
So Igor expresses the hypothesis that this is valid also for Rossi’s reactor. There is a composition of aluminium hydride and nickel and it is immersed somehow in argon. Then there occurs discharge and in this reactor runs the described process. The energy is very big, in the range of MeV, which gives this enormous power output.
So, Igor’s advice to the experimenters: they could try to replicate this. If you have a plant with COP=2, try to add argon and a discharge. And let us see, perhaps there really will begin such reaction and there will be really a huge energy output as in E-Cat.
Igor offers this hypothesis for consideration and for experimental examination. Here there are no nuclear reactions, simply the hydrogen’s electrons pass to lower positions.