MIT Department on “Reopening the Case of Cold Fusion”

Thanks to Greg Daigle for pointing out a page published on Aug 16th 2019 from the MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering’s News and Events website.

The title of the page is “Reopening the Case of Cold Fusion” and it explains that the department’s Professor Yet-Ming Chiang was involved in the Google-sponsored research that was reported in Nature earlier this year.

A quote from the page:

“While they haven’t found evidence of cold fusion as originally described, they have discovered new insights into metal-hydrogen interactions and measurement techniques at high temperatures and pressures. Since 2015, their efforts have yielded three preprints and 10 peer-reviewed publications. Professor Chiang says, “That is why we got involved, [and] that’s actually the work we are continuing to do. This project is by no means over. There’s lots of ongoing work we’re interested in doing.”