The following commment was posted by Bob Greeyer.
Last week, we purchased more of the claimed 99.995% pure 0.3mm indium foil and today, Alan Goldwater is planning to run a repeat of the 3min exposure he did in a $40 off-the shelf ultrasonic cleaner in the vicinity of the Th doped NaI scintillator. The plan is to run a number of tests, such as:
Indium foil in
1. DI water only
2. DI water + Micro-90 (EDTA containing) cleaning fluid + DI water rinse
3. As 2 but with 5% D2O enhanced H2O to simulate at least the water conditions of CsCl test where Indium was exposed for 10m in Omasa Vibrator
Whilst these RC motors will likely cavitate, we cant be sure of what they are made of. The other thing is that Indium, as I have made public a number of times now, was chosen by me, based on my emerging understanding for a number of very specific reasons.
1. From our experience in 2012 (Borosilicate glass in Celani Cells), understanding of Piantelli’s use of Macor from Jan 2015 (Contains Boron) and Pakhomov’s 400MJ reactor (said to contain Boron in core), we already knew Boron was very important (at ICCF22, David Nagal talked of using Boron / Pd composite)
2. Shiskin’s team, after 9 years of research, has shown that Boron 10, the isotope of Boron that can absorb neutrons, can be used to detect ‘String Vortex Solitons’ (SVS), an EVO form that is suspected to be at least partially made of condensed low energy neutrinos. SVS may be black / dark EVOs as they exhibit the behaviour of moving through even metals and carrying ions with them
3. Boron 10 has a thermal neutron absorber cross section of 200, but is only 19.6% of natural boron.
4. Indium 115, which is 95.72% of Indium, has thermal neutron absorber cross section of 100
5. A free neutron decays with a life of 15m into to a Proton, Electron and an anti-neutrino
6. Some consider a neutrino to be a Majorana particle, that is, it is it’s own anti-particle and it can change between the two
7. If so, then SVS is not only going to be stopped in the 115In, but it will deliver low energy neutrinos that will stimulate the normally 30,000 x length of universe half-life of 115In causing the release of electrons.
8. Electrons will feed the Black EVO, re-exciting it into a white EVO state.
9. This will cause the EVO to start eating Indium atoms
10. It was thought that Indium atoms, being large, would be torn apart into rock forming or common crust abundance elements inside an a free EVO which was not too heavily driven
11. Massive energy release would result
12. Indium was chosen because it very soft, the thinking being that any effect would be recorded in large detail because there would be little physical resistance to either the EVO, gas production or kinetics
13. Indium was chosen also because it has fair conductivity
14. Indium was also chosen because it is a solid at room temperature but has a very low melting point of 156.6ºC
15. Indium was chosen because it is resistant to oxidation (burning) or forming nitrides, in fact it is the softest metal that is not an alkali metal and alkali metals like to oxidate or form nitrides in air really easily, this was key to my choosing it as a witness material
16. Indium is in the same group as Aluminium, and knowing how Al is so massively affected in Hutchison effect (and also Ohsawa, and potentially a LENR fuel as two 27Al fuse to 54Fe) there was an expectation that there could be a range of other factors that could make it highly susceptible under the influence of EVOs.
The above is NOT an exhaustive list, but it is enough to show that Indium was not randomly chosen for testing, in fact, the first Indium I bought for specific testing was ordered on Wed, 31st Oct 2018, 11 months ago and long before Sho reached out to MFMP to test Dr. Ohmasa’s technology. The first Boron was bought in 2017. What you see above is a little extension of where my thinking was in early 2017.
That Indium foil appeared to so massively to be affected by both the Ohmasa Vibrator (10mins in 5% D2O enriched DI water with CsCl), the Ohmasa Gas (few seconds in free air), and apparently 3 minutes in Alan Goldwater’s $40 off-the-shelf ultrasonic cleaner (with EDTA cleaner and DI water), at his suggestion, was quite satisfying after having these thoughts stuck in my head for so long, further tests may validate this 3-way finding, and if so, we really have something to wake up the world to the reality of the technology and its potential.