Thanks to Greg Daigle for posting about this article that has been posted on the Asia Times website. It is the first in a three-part series of articles by Jonathan Tennenbaum, who according to information in the article is the former editor of FUSION magazine, a consultant on economics, science and technology with a PhD in mathematics from the University of California.
This article is titled “Cold fusion: A potential energy gamechanger”
This article talks mainly about the work of Pons and Fleischmann, and describes some of their experiments and how the scientific community quickly branded the field “pathological science” after many failed to replicate the work of Pons and Fleischmann. But Tannenbaum is optimistic about the field after seeing what is currently going on (he was at ICCF-22) especially with the involvement of Google now.
He concludes:
Fortunately, after nearly 30 years of effort, great progress has been made toward defining the necessary conditions for cold fusion to occur, and creating a technology base for future commercial applications.
In my view the existence and reproducibility of cold fusion (or, more broadly, LENR) have now been established beyond any reasonable doubt. Here I mean, more precisely: nuclear reactions generating substantial amounts of heat, realizable on a laboratory scale at moderate temperatures in certain solid-state materials implanted to a high density with deuterium or hydrogen; and releasing at most a negligible amount of radiation.
Having attended the ICCF-22 conference, spoken with researchers and studied relevant technical publications, I do not think an unbiased scientist who looks into the matter closely can come to any other conclusion.
The next article will be published in Asia Times tomorrow.
UPDATE: Here is a link to the second article titled “Japan wins with systematic method”
UPDATE: Third part of the series titled “Commercial fusion and Asia” is now available here: