Update (Feb 5, 2020)
Here’s another comment from today on the topic, when Rossi was asked the kind of problem they are dealing with:
Andrea Rossi
February 5, 2020 at 5:49 AM
Steven N. Karels:
Component failures. We must invent a component that does not exist, but we are close to resolve the problem. I cannot disclose the particulars of the problem.
Warm Regards,
Here’s a little indication about what kinds of issues Andrea Rossi and his team are working on with the
David Haws
February 3, 2020 at 8:15 PM
Dear Dr. Andrea,I have followed your progress for many years from afar. But recently my excitement is overwhelming. Regarding your current efforts with the E-CAT SKL are the issues you and your team are working related to:
A) Stabilizing the plasma to produce consistent electricity?
B) Resolving issues with the control system to consistently produce electricity? Or,
C) Working issues more related to commercialization such as ensuring a long run time?
Rossi’ reply:
Andrea Rossi
February 4, 2020 at 3:59 AM
David Haws:
D: reliability in long time
Warm Regards,
I think what Rossi is meaning here is that they are working on reliability over the long term. It is one thing to have the SKL to run for a short period of time, but for commercial products you would need to have them working reliably. There was a question on the Journal of Nuclear Physics this week asking about having the grid as a backup for the SKL:
Chuck Davis
January 31, 2020 at 1:07 PM
Dear Andrea,
When it will be possible to use the Ecat as a main energy source do you think it will be opportune to maintain the grid as a backup ?Andrea Rossi
January 31, 2020 at 2:38 PM
Chuck Davis:
Warm Regards,
We have heard from Rossi that the heat-only E-Cat SK, has had reliability problems during its operations for about a year now, and maybe there is something inherent in this technology that is causing problems, so having a backup source of energy maybe a requirement until problems are resolved. We are in very early days for this previously unknown energy source an it is probably not unsurprising that there are problems to deal with.