COVID-19 Thread 4/21/2020 (Researchers Report More Encouraging Results using Remdesivir Treatment))

U.S. News is reporting that researchers reporting early results from clinical trials using Gilead Sciences’ drug remdesivir to treat COVID-19 patients with both moderate and severe disease is encouraging.

‘A number of the patients are now recovering and have been released from the hospital. While it’s too early to tell, the researchers said there are also indications that remdesivir can possibly stave off being put on a ventilator.

‘”Early results are promising, and that is important right now. Much of what we are learning about COVID-19 management is centered around preventing quick deterioration. Timing is everything. I can’t say for certain they [patients] would have been intubated otherwise, but it’s encouraging,” said Katherine Perez, an infectious diseases pharmacist who is co-leading the trials.

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‘Quick treatment is critical, said Dr. Kevin Grimes, an infectious diseases physician and co-leader of the trials.

‘”If given early enough, we’re hoping that remdesivir interferes with the virus and blocks its ability to replicate in patients’ cells,” Grimes said in a Houston Methodist news release. “The goal is that it staves off the deadly inflammatory cascade that leads to respiratory failure and the need to be intubated and put on a ventilator.”