I have asked Andrea Rossi some questions about the current status of commercializing the E-Cat SKL. He has reported that during this period of coronavirus restriction, he has been conducting online video presentations of the E-Cat with several separate companies.
He has said that some of these presentations have been given to prospective customers, and some to prospective investors.
He has not named any of these companies, because he says all his dealings thus far have been under NDA, but I did ask about the kinds of entities he is dealing with.
Frank Acland
May 1, 2020 at 11:56 AM
Dear Andrea,You have said that the first E-Cat SKL product will be an industrial one.
1. Are any of your prospective industrial customers intending to use the SKL to generate electricity for their own operations?
2. Are any of your prospective customers utilities who are hoping to use the E-Cat SKL to feed electricity to the grid?
3. Are any of your prospective customers hoping to use the E-Cat SKL to power electric vehicles?
His response:
Andrea Rossi
May 1, 2020 at 1:11 PM
Frank Acland:
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
Warm Regards,
I then followed up with a question about whether he expected to make any deals with those he had been showing the SKL to. He replied:
Andrea Rossi
May 2, 2020 at 11:04 AM
Frank Acland:
Several agreements already have been signed.
Warm Regards,
Brokeeper asked this question on the Journal of Nuclear Physics:
1. Are these companies not just capable of but also will begin to manufacture the E-Cats for themselves and distribution throughout their regions?
Rossi’s reply was “yes.
His short responses to detailed questions are typical for Rossi, and often leave things open to interpretation, as he will usually not elaborate about things which he considers confidential. So far we have no confirmation about these meetings or deals from anyone other than Rossi himself, so we are going to have to continue to wait for further details.