Rossi: E-Cat SKL is Not Yet Ready, Still in Prototype Stage

Andrea Rossi reports having been busy over the last months with both developments of the E-Cat SKL, and also giving private Skype tests to select potential customers and investors. From what he has said, the E-Cat SKL continues to be developed, and is currently performing well.

But he has said that the E-Cat SKL is not yet ready to be put into the market, nor to be shown in a public presentation yet (which is what many readers here have been hoping for). He said there were challenges that still needed to be resolved.

I asked Rossi yesterday on the Journal of Nuclear Physics, what he meant by this:

Frank Acland
May 6, 2020 at 7:23 AM
Dear Andrea,

Are the “challenges” you still need to resolve with the E-Cat SKL mainly technical ones? Or other kinds?

He replied:

Andrea Rossi
May 6, 2020 at 9:34 AM
Frank Acland:
Other kinds: the kinds that stay between a good and consolidated prototype ( or series of prototypes ) and an industrial product exposed to the risks a product like this can run through. Imagine a son that has to go to war fighting in the line of fire…and which kind of fire.
But do not worry: it will go and fight.
Warm Regards,

In many industries, the time between a prototype and a finished product can be quite long. Issues of design need to be resolved along with testing to simulate real-world applications. The E-Cat SKL doesn’t have a long track record, so it makes me wonder how long it will be before it makes a commercial appearance. I don’t know if the public presentation Andrea Rossi has been talking about will be with a finished industrial product, or a prototype. If it is the former, it might be quite a while yet before we see it.