Rossi and Team ‘Increasing the Energy Density’ of the E-Cat

Yesterday I asked Andrea Rossi on the Journal of Nuclear Physics what was taking up most of his time and attention these days. Here is his response:

Andrea Rossi
June 26, 2020 at 12:15 PM
Frank Acland:
We are increasing the energy density: an invention of yesterday has opened a new path in this sense. We are accumulating information continuing to use the Ecat SKL.
Warm Regards,

Rossi never stops the R&D process, and this has proven to be frustrating to some observers who just want him to demonstrate something, even though it may not be the optimum configuration. Rossi’s nature seems to be that if it can be improved, it should be improved, and he shows no inclination to stop his work on developing the E-Cat. In the long term, that is probably a good thing, otherwise he would have been satisfied with a heater a long time ago, and never have moved into the realm of direct electricity production where he is now.

The terms energy density and power density are related, but different. Personally I have sometimes been confused by the differences in the terms. One simple distinction between the two that I have found helpful is that energy density in say an EV battery would refer to how far a vehicle can travel, while power density refers to how fast it can travel.

Another comment that I found interesting was in response to a question about whether the E-Cat SKL could be shrunk to the the size of a smartphone battery. Rossi’s response:

Andrea Rossi
June 26, 2020 at 4:12 PM
Wilfried Babelotzky:
Just enough to say that theoretically it should not be impossible, but our focus now is not there.
Warm Regards,