Yesterday I noticed an interesting question posed to Andrea Rossi about the E-Cat SKL from user Burt, who asked – “I understood that to get all the possible electricity you have to extract it from many parts of the plasma with independent lines: am I correct?”
Andrea Rossi responded, “yes.”
This got me thinking about how one might maximize the production of electricity from the SKL’s plasma, and I conceptualized it in terms of a mine from which energy can be extracted . So I asked Rossi the following questions:
Frank Acland
July 6, 2020 at 8:36 AM
Dear Andrea,Your answer to Burt is interesting, let me see if I understand correctly. I am using the analogy of a coalmine, into which mine shafts are tunneled, from which coal can be extracted.
1. Can we consider the plasma to be a kind of ‘mine’ that has electricity within it that can be mined for practical purposes?
2. Can we think of ‘independent lines’ within the plasma as mine shafts from which electricity can be extracted.
3. If so, the more mineshafts you can have within the plasma, the greater the total amount of electricity that can be extracted?
4. Is it therefore advantageous to have a larger total volume of plasma so that more mine shafts can fit?
Here are his responses:
Andrea Rossi
July 6, 2020 at 10:41 AM
Frank Acland:
1- figuratively, yes
2- as in 1
3- yes
4- this is a more complex issue. We are working through it.
Warm Regards,
I suppose that the larger the volume of plasma, the greater the input power required, so there may not be greater efficiency if the plasma is large. Overall, however, I find Rossi’s responses interesting. He has stated that they are working to increase the energy density of the E-Cat SKL, and that the way to increase energy density is to find ways to increase the number of ‘independent lines’ inside the plasma through which electricity can be extracted.