We are still waiting on many details, but the way Andrea Rossi is talking these days makes it sound like he has reached an important peak with the E-Cat SKL which can apparently produce kilowatts of electrical power without a need for input from an external power source and using negligible amounts of fuel, which rarely needs to be replaced. And it apparently produces no ionizing radiation, nor carbon emissions.
It sounds like a dream come true for an energy-hungry world trying to wean itself off fossil fuels. But the way Rossi is posting now, it sounds like major problems are just beginning, as he states today in response to a question today on the Journal of Nuclear Physics:
Calle H
August 30, 2020 at 7:33 AM
Dear Andrea,It is easy to understand the impact the E-Cat will have on our society. On one side the elite will lose power when they no longer can control world energy flows. On another side the poor and energy dependant population will bear fruit for not having to pay the high price for energy as governed by the elite. On a third side the E-Cat will put a stop to the very source for climate change. Which of the three sides do you think will be most important when the E-Cat is introduced?
Thank you for your very impressive work.
Calle HAndrea Rossi
August 30, 2020 at 12:43 PM
Calle H:
We will fight for the second and third way, but we will meet more bayonets than flowers and our foes will not be several idiots from some fora, as it happens now. At the beginning. This is why we are so prudent to start the battle. It will be a war, not a triumph. And to make a war you need three things:
1: money
2: money
3: money
Warm Regards,
We have discussed extensively on this site over the years the impact a working E-Cat could have on the world. As Calle H mentions in his comment above, the E-Cat producing very cheap, clean energy would be a boon for producers and consumers, and an answer to the prayers of environmentalists the world over. But he also refers to powerful interests who would lose money and influence if current sources of energy are superseded.
For a long time, Rossi has repeatedly insisted that all energy sources could be integrated, but he hasn’t made that statement recently. Maybe because he thinks the E-Cat has improved to point where realistically it could realistically eclipse other power sources quite quickly.
Rossi has operated for many years largely ignored, I think partly because many people think he is either incompetent, delusional, or plain lying about the E-Cat. So long as the E-Cat stays in his lab, it is of little threat to the existing order. If his claims about the E-Cat are verified by credible outsiders, however, things will change dramatically, and I am sure he and those he is working with realize that.
If the E-Cat SKL is demonstrated to work very well, it could be considered such a threat to existing energy interests that they could try to find ways to snuff it out if it looks like it will compete in the marketplace. I think this is why Rossi is talking about preparing for war.