Rossi: No Radiation of Any Kind Emitted by the E-Cat (Including ‘Strange Radiation)

Andrea Rossi has always shown respect to Russian physicist Dr. Alexander Parkhomov, and seems to hold his work in high esteem. Thus, after Parkhomov published data in 2018 from experiments in which ‘strange radiation’ was detected in his systems (see more here), Andrea Rossi apparently found it interesting enough to do experiments of his own to see if the E-Cat was producing similar effects.

Today, Rossi wrote the following in response to a question about whether he thought there was any risk of the E-Cat being dangerous from the production of strange radiation.

His response:

Andrea Rossi
September 3, 2020 at 3:22 PM
I studied carefully the work of Dr Parkhomov about the “strange radiations” that I decided to take care of seriously and we made the same measurements he published to check if we have any similar result. We did not have any strange radiation, and it is to us obvious because of the structure of the Ecat SKL. We will be able to give a certification that the Ecat SKL does not emit any kind of known noxious radiation.
Thank you for your insight.
Warm Regards,

Rossi has contended recently that there is nothing about the E-Cat that could be considered dangerous in terms of any kind of radiation, and that it does not fall under the purview of any nuclear authority because the E-Cat does not operate from nuclear reactions.

Here is a comment from earlier this week:

Andrea Rossi
August 31, 2020 at 7:52 AM
We do not have nuclear reactions in the Ecat, we never detected ionizing radiations emitted by the Ecat, after thousands of measurements , among which measurements repeatedly made by the Government of Florida and by radiology departments of important universities. Our technology is based on electrons, not on nuclea, as explained in my theoretical paper
About the other issues, I deem them groundless.
Thank you for your advice.
Warm Regards,