The big question that is on my mind, and I am sure that is on the mind of many other readers here, is when will we get the public presentation of the E-Cat SKL. Andrea Rossi had been saying earlier this year that it would be in 2020, but recently he has admitted that he is not ready for it.
I asked him this week what needs to be accomplished in order for the presentation to happen. He replied:
Andrea Rossi
November 11, 2020 at 1:21 PM
Frank Acland:
To have a reliable product: that’s all I need.
Warm Regards,
From this response it appears that he does not yet have a reliable product, which makes one wonder, how far away is such a product. I followed up with another question:
Frank Acland
November 13, 2020 at 10:56 AM
Dear Andrea,You stated recently that your presentation will occur once you have a reliable product.
a) How would you characterize your progress towards this goal?
b) When you make a presentation will it be of a commercial product, or an experimental prototype?
His response:
Andrea Rossi
November 13, 2020 at 2:06 PM
Frank Acland:
a) I think we are very advanced
b) I think it will be a commercial product
Warm Regards,
It’s hard to know the exact state of things from brief comments such as these; Even though he states that they are ‘very advanced’ Andrea Rossi is known to be optimistic in his projections, so I am not building up any hopes for a presentation in the near future.