Thanks to Bob Greener for posting about the following:
A team from the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio has published the following article
Title: “Electrolytic co-deposition neutron production measured by bubble detectors”
Journal: Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 19 January 2021
Authors: Phillip J. Smith*, Robert C. Hendricks, Bruce M. Steinetz
Highlights of the article:
• Bubble detector neutron dosimeters measured electrochemical cell neutron activity
• Case control: PdCl2/LiCl/D20 cells were compared with CuCl2/LiCl/D20 control cells
• Experimental cells exhibited neutron activity greater than controls: 99% confidence
• Highest neutron-generating experimental cells produced dendritic cathode deposits
• Neutron activity cannot be explained by chemical reactions, only nuclear processes
The full text of the article has been posted on LENR Forum here: