Andrea Rossi has stated that he is aiming to launch the E-Cat SKL, which generates electricity, in 2022. It seems now, from recent comments Rossi has made on the Journal of Nuclear Physics, that the product will be coupled with batteries in order to provide electricity that can be used to power inductive loads.
For reasons not explained, currently the E-Cat SKL, is unable to work with inductive loads, which would include electric motors, compressors, transformers and any other electronic device that includes coils.
Rossi was asked this question yesterday:
Mike Phalen
April 28, 2021 at 10:05 PM
Hi Dr. Rossi,I have two questions:
1. In regards to driving an inductive load with the E-cat. Is it possible that the E-cat reaction is fundamentally unable to create electricity capable of driving an inductive load or do you think it is an engineering issue and it will eventually be worked out?
2. Would you say that the IP protection in the E-cat is military grade?
Andrea Rossi
April 29, 2021 at 4:06 AM
Mike Phalen:
1- maybe, but the interface with a battery is a solution in most of cases
2- I do not know
Warm Regards,
It would seem then, that a battery is going to be requirement for the E-Cat SKL for the time being. The good thing about this is that battery technology is ubiquitous these days, and there is a great deal of R&D going on worldwide which is improving battery performance. A downside would seem to be that it would mean extra expense will be added to the E-Cat SKL, and that eventually batteries become degraded to a point where they need replacement.
Rossi is not one to stop R&D efforts with the E-Cat so I expect he will continue to find ways to make the E-Cat SKL work without batteries, but it does appear that he sees them as a way forward.